Forum Discussion

maegnificent's avatar
12 years ago

Where did you place your ice statues and radioactive man billboards?

Maegnificent wrote:
I placed a few of them here and there but I really like how they look in front of el chemistri

Where did you guys place your ice statues? :D

They go really well with el chemistri. I haven't bought them yet. I am catching my breath so many things to do... :lol:

20 Replies

  • For right now I bought 20 of the ice sculptures and put them on a couple of squidport blanks, since it will be a long time before I can do squidport like I want to.

    The billboard is next to a kwik mart to "hide" some dumpsters.
  • pharrah2003 wrote:
    Maegnificent wrote:
    Also I got the billboard to put here. What do you think?

    Me too! A billboard by my Aztec and a billboard by my drive in

    Edit: I forgot to add that I like how your billboard appears above your roof

    I like your movie park concept! :thumbup: and the billboards really help to set it off. Only if the popcorn and hotdog stands could go inland!! Ooh sooo too bad they made it for boardwalk only. :/

    I don't know if this will look good, just a thought. How does the second billboard look on the right side of the drive in. I am curious how having two (one on each side of the entrance would look?

    Thanks! :D :D

    Yeah I'm real bummed out about the popcorn and hotdog stands.. Come on EA! Please, please???

    funny you should mention about the second billboard. I was going to put a secind one but can't because of my fencing and how the lard by donuts is right next to it. Will have to tinker with that

    A certain site that I can not link had a tutorial recently on building a movie theater so the Radioactive Man billboard made a good addition to the theater. I know someone else on the forum had the Giant Grasshopper in the screen as well so I copied them!

    I dropped one Ice statue on to the boardwalk, but from ideas here, I probably get a second and put them in front of the Wolfcastle mansion when it is complete!
  • corkiejp518 wrote:

    A certain site that I can not link had a tutorial recently on building a movie theater so the Radioactive Man billboard made a good addition to the theater. I know someone else on the forum had the Giant Grasshopper in the screen as well so I copied them!

    I dropped one Ice statue on to the billboard, but from ideas here, I probably get a second and put them in front of the Wolfcastle mansion when it is complete!

    Billboards + drive ins are good combos.
  • Similar to Pharrah, but I put one above KrustyLu and a few in the studio lot...

  • HillyBillyOli wrote:
    what is radioactive man

    It's a comic book and film in the Simpsons Show, linking to the video of the show is not allowed, but do a Google search and you will find it!