Forum Discussion

74hands's avatar
10 years ago

150 Donuts = Looking Forward

I'd keep saving for Barney. What kind of Springfield is it without Barney? Of course I got him for free so that easy for me to say :)
  • 74hands wrote:
    I'm back up to 150 donuts again and now starting to think about what to do.

    My firm preference is to buy cool premium character(s) with tasks and buildings rather than ornaments that add % points. With that in mind, I'm the patient freemium type and I'm happy to slowly collect bonuts from my friend's towns.

    Part of me wants to save for Barney @ 250 donuts, but that does seem awfully steep. On the other hand, saving for the other ones after that would be quicker by comparison.

    Certainly don't want skins, I want more characters.

    Another part says get Luann and the cracker factory which is in range.

    Just not sure any more...

    Should I:

    > Keep saving and get Barney?
    > Get a different (cheaper) premium character?
    > Keep saving and get two characters?

    I'm in much the same position as you although I have Barney (got him free). He is a good item to have. I'm keeping my donuts till the next level update to see what else is added.
  • That does add another dimension - I'd be pretty upset if I'd worked and saved enough and bought Barney, only to have others get him for free!
  • 74hands wrote:
    That does add another dimension - I'd be pretty upset if I'd worked and saved enough and bought Barney, only to have others get him for free!

    Well, he was a winnable prize for the first Xmas event and we just had our third Xmas event, if that helps any :D
  • Barney is cool but I don't like the building he comes with (the Bowlarama). It's too round and not square enough for me. My OCD starts kicking in... :-P

    Edit: I'm talking about the things at the front of the building
  • I'm in the saving for Barney club, already resisted buying Bartman and Fruitbatman. :P
  • I have 244 doughnuts saved up plus a $20 itunes so bring on the premium content EA :mrgreen:
  • Although Barney is an iconic character, I firmly believe he is far too expensive. I don't even have him and I'm currently sitting on 1221 donuts, and I don't think I'll ever get him. I definitely don't think he's worth it for a Freemium player. If I were Freemium, I think I would buy up the cheapest characters first, so like the Waiter, Kearney, etc. (though not the SVT since you can win him in a Mystery Box).
  • I'm a freemium player....but I really wanted Barney. He's such an iconic character. I finally had enough donuts a couple of mo ths ago and got him. Id keep saving for him personally and then get the cheaper characters.