Forum Discussion

janis810's avatar
10 years ago

30+ Valet Parking

janis810 wrote:
I've been posting for some time about how my inventory changes over night. I woke up this morning to 30+ Valet parking. I took a screenshot, but don't have picture posting privileges, so if someone (Helper bear?) could post this for me, it is worth seeing.


There you go - just needed to be wrapped in img /img

EDIT: I don't think you need to have privileges to do that, though - if you click on the quote button you will see what I did. There should be a button at the top of your message window that makes it faster than typing out the code
  • sandwedgeking wrote:
    janis810 wrote:

    Sandwedge's is better than mine. :D
  • Well, Thanks! Suetopia. (And, I should add here that I have been reading your posts and appreciating them.) You are another Helper Bear.

    As you can see, I had 10 each of level 3, 4, and 5 Valet Parking. I was too busy laughing to act sensibly. I should have placed them in my Springfield before they went way...which, of course, they did.
  • Thank you Sandwedge King, I think you are cool.

    But Suetopia, you were the FIRST to respond, so (I think) you probably won. Or, maybe you both were so kind to help me. Wish I could send some of those valet parking to both of you.

    Actually, I wish I hadn't been such an idiot, and had placed them, so I wouldn't lose them. I would rather update valet parking than my cute little condos to reach the billion.