Forum Discussion

joshsherer's avatar
12 years ago

3D discussion

JoshSherer wrote:
I'd like to designate this topic to discussing 3D Springfields. No fighting allowed. No flaming allowed. Be peaceful. Please.

Anyway, whenever I see a 3D town or building in TSTO, I want to gauge out my eyeballs and poor gasoline on them while lighting a match.

It wasn't my fault. I just asked her a question. But its funny how you want it peaceful when you create anarchy and chaos in the forums. Oh the irony :)
  • It's when they are not done right that irks me, or when they are overused. Apart from skyl3y (spelt something like that) I love that town.
  • I think all 3D stuff is bad, and if you make 3D stuff, you should feel bad.

    Pshhhh, I'm just kidding. Clearly the only reason I would say that is to seek attention. :wink:
  • mikeydluffy wrote:
    regarding the previous thread...

    Brick killed a person
  • 3D thread Part 2, in 3D. This time it's peaceful. Coming soon to a cinema near you.

  • hasanmohamma wrote:
    hey, josh stop making threads like this because waste of my and everyone's else is time.

  • HomerSwapMeet wrote:
    paulzuk wrote:
    3D thread Part 2, in 3D. This time it's peaceful. Coming soon to a cinema near you.


    Sometimes it doesn't always work but I'll try :)

    Peace :thumbup:

    Try harder gawd dang it! I'd curse properly, if only I could. Sigh. :lol:

    The following Peace is dedicated HomerSwapMeet.

    Peace. :wink:

  • Anyway, whenever I see a 3D town or building in TSTO, I want to gauge out my eyeballs and poor gasoline on them while lighting a match.

    Josh I can always count on you for a good chuckle. :lol:

    I don't have any 3D in my town, but its only because I'm not clever enough to come up with anything grand. Some of the 3D stuff I've seen is rather crappy. However, there is a very, very, select few (really one) who can pull it off.