Forum Discussion

Nitemare-rexx's avatar
11 years ago

a stupid question

Good question, and I've wondered the same thing about some of the other "homes" too: Burns' and Wolfcastle's mansions come to mind. I'd like to attack Burns' mansion!
  • NeoSEC28 wrote:
    Nitemare-rexx wrote:
    why is it we can raid pumkin house but we cant raid cool brown house.

    Simple......The CBH is too Cool to be attacked ;)

  • NeoSEC28 wrote:
    Nitemare-rexx wrote:
    why is it we can raid pumkin house but we cant raid cool brown house.

    Simple......The CBH is too Cool to be attacked ;)

    DOUBLE DITTO on that... took my thought from me after reading the first post... Also agree on the others; & you may know it's my attack if aside from your castles got hit, Stupid Flanders, Skinner, Wiggum, Willie, Crazy Cat House, Pumpkin House, or Muntz are my faves :twisted: