There's a book that cost only 30 donuts and gives you a random item between 5 that you can "choose" randomizing the items.
The devs gives us 1300 donuts for free ( yey ) and it would be awesome that i can spend them in the book instead of the 50-200 donut items
Also there s other mission that i wanted to finish and its the multimillionaries one. i need to cecil spends 2billion and i only reached 600million.
Can you also give as money to unlock terrains or to complete this mission please??
Thnx for the game, i really enjoyed it and also i spent a little bit of money in it just for fun.
You should have received God for completing the current and last task. He generates $777,777 every 24 hours. Start his task then go into the shop and buy the pack of 285 donuts for $450,000. Then you can rush Gods task for 260 donuts. You never run out of donuts and you grow your money very quickly. That’s what I did and was able to open all the land tiles in one day