Forum Discussion

hgfxf's avatar
12 years ago

  • Tony68k wrote:

    I truly wish you the best. Don't feel bad about spending money on something that entertains you, nor should you feel bad spending time on activities like this. We all need a little diversion in our lives and you could choose something a lot worse. However, I agree with you. Family is the most important thing there is, especially if you've got kids - they grow up so quickly they'll be adults before you know it - you only get one chance to be a good parent.

    Hopefully we'll see you again, when you've got your priorities sorted out and you find yourself with an hour or so free now and again.

    I second that.
  • Pchorsedoc's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Tony68k wrote:

    I truly wish you the best. Don't feel bad about spending money on something that entertains you, nor should you feel bad spending time on activities like this. We all need a little diversion in our lives and you could choose something a lot worse. However, I agree with you. Family is the most important thing there is, especially if you've got kids - they grow up so quickly they'll be adults before you know it - you only get one chance to be a good parent.

    Hopefully we'll see you again, when you've got your priorities sorted out and you find yourself with an hour or so free now and again.

    Yes, well said.