Forum Discussion
64 Replies
- WisdomBuilders6 months agoRising Ace
Answering my own question:
I used to stick with one family...I did for about a year. But other than that I just keep repeating the pattern of giving up on one and making a new game. There's a few things that frequently sneak up on me and then I'm more likely to quit.
- I achieve too much too fast...I'm rich now I'm bored lol
- I overwhelm myself somehow...have too many babies at once, start a farm full of animals, etc
- A bug that breaks the flow of my game, like toddler milestones not taking or a family line breaking (very old bugs that aren't bugs anymore).
- Ugly babies 😂 in Legacies
- Etc.
What are your reasons for quitting or reasons for sticking with it?
- mitchiebanjo6 months agoNew Hotshot
Boredom. Sims 4 is the least fun gameplay-wise to me. But it is a pretty game. If it had Sims 2's genetics it would be better. I hate how samey all the sims look. The supernaturals are the best thing EA has done and the one reason to continue playing a game.
Also, I love ugly babies!
- crocobaura6 months agoLegend
I have all kinds of sims in the same save. When I get bored with one household, I switch to another one, and sometimes I build. It's nice to pick up when you left and there is already a story line started and sometimes I may do a plot twist and change their story around. I only play them when I get fresh ideas and enthusiasm for them and depending on my mood. I still get to see my sims around town when I am not playing them and get to interact with them and include them in my gameplay indirectly so they are not completely forgotten.
I am...both 😂
I had serious restartitis before where any save I started would probably be quit in first month or so
but I've gotten very attached to my current save I have since 2019 and all the sim families and builds I have
and I can't really even imagine losing it and starting over anymore that would be devastating 😅- WisdomBuilders6 months agoRising Ace
LOL in real life I love ugly babies, but in sims I want to change them. Yeah I really loved sims 2, but Sims 4 is my favorite.
- fruitsbasket1006 months agoSeasoned Ace
I restart my game at least once or twice a month. I try to stick with one game but something always happens that makes me want to start over. Whether it be a new idea, getting bored, or just a corrupted save file. My goal for this year was to get through an entire 10 gen legacy but I haven't done so yet.😅 I have once before but I don't think I will again.
- WisdomBuilders6 months agoRising Ace
That's really cool! I admire simmers who rotate. I've tried it before, but I end up starting over anyway. Maybe my problem is I don't stick with one sim long enough to get attached.
- WisdomBuilders6 months agoRising Ace
Restartitis!!!! Bwahaha! Yes, I'm diagnosed.
I'm really encouraged by your story because maybe I can actually get attached to one save. I really think I need to slow down so that I can. Maybe my sims would feel more real if they were at normal speed most of the time. 🤔
- GalacticGal6 months agoLegend
Guilty as charged. I am the Queen of Restarts. I did some "treatment", as it were, when I chose to simply do a game save recovery, instead to fix whatever went horribly wrong. That did help, but I have been charged with restarting just so I could play the latest game pack with my preferred family. This was correct. I also, having saved my family when my Sim, Erik Cantrell, had reached Global Superstardom, and instead of a full-blown restart, I picked up with that saved version of the nuclear family where he began. All of this to allow him to meet and marry Kayleigh Golden via MWS.
With the changeover in forums, I got the bug to truly restart by taking my Cantrell family back to the beginning. I had created Erik back in 2014. When Sims 4 came out. I used him for the Pinstar Legacy Challenge, since he was a Superstar in Sims 3. From him I generated parents, again, only this time I went for a slightly different look. From them I created his older brother, Aaron. Aaron was a Toddler, and I aged Erik down to an Infant to start their story in Cantrell: The Early Years. (Shameless plug)
I am having a blast filling in some of the many blanks of this family's story. I play the game as a stress-reliever, so if something bugs me enough, I simply have to have a do-over to make it 'right'.
As for crashing and burning, it just hasn't happened, yet. But then again, I still love Sir Paul McCartney, too . . .
- GalacticGal6 months agoLegend
I do the Save As with each gaming session. I stopped doing the game save recovery as it has been, rightly or wrongly, suggested it causes a save to corrupt. Had that years ago, don't wish to go there again. Recently, after the patch, I realized there was no way for me to realize if Erik had received a nomination on a song he licensed. He went to the ceremony and didn't receive squat. He wasn't even recognized as being there. I rolled back and then forgot to have him go on Sunday! So, I did the only logical thing and managed to roll back, far enough, I thought, before the Grim Event started.
I was able to pick up on Sunday night when Erik won his first Starlight Accolade Award in this save. That was perfect. This is where I still am. He went out and licensed the song I thought he'd won a nomination for (i have a chart I created to help me keep track) and voila. There was the notice. I do wish this notice would stay in the log so we can scroll through things. But no, you get a moment's chance to see it and then it's gone. It's now Thursday in my game. I'm sending the four eldest Cantrell kids, and one Kayleigh Golden off to Britechester-U very soon. I will continue on with this save as if the other future saves don't exist.
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