Forum Discussion

WisdomBuilders's avatar
Rising Hotshot
4 hours ago

Are You a Restart Game Addict or...

Are you the kind of Simmer who sticks with one game for years and years or are you like me and struggling to stick with one game for any amount of time? 

How long do you stick with the same game? When do you crash and burn? 

  • Answering my own question:

    I used to stick with one family...I did for about a year. But other than that I just keep repeating the pattern of giving up on one and making a new game. There's a few things that frequently sneak up on me and then I'm more likely to quit.

    1. I achieve too much too fast...I'm rich now I'm bored lol
    2. I overwhelm myself somehow...have too many babies at once, start a farm full of animals, etc
    3. A bug that breaks the flow of my game, like toddler milestones not taking or a family line breaking (very old bugs that aren't bugs anymore). 
    4. Ugly babies 😂 in Legacies 
    5. Etc. 

    What are your reasons for quitting or reasons for sticking with it?