Forum Discussion

simbass7's avatar
12 years ago

android and origin...

Join ios easier

If say 99 percent here are iOS

I used android but does not compare to iOS I don't think android get origin tbh if it does then that be cool to open up more users and ermm add meeeeee threads lol

13 Replies

  • I would rather play the game on my Galaxy Note II than my iPad, would only swap over if Origin support was added, and the same game save was cross platform. Cannot see it happening though.
  • Dont see why if Origin was implemented that cross platform play would be a problem, the games are the same, and there are plenty of other apps around that allow play across platforms.
  • beeblebrox900 wrote:
    Dont see why if Origin was implemented that cross platform play would be a problem, the games are the same, and there are plenty of other apps around that allow play across platforms.

    I know that it is technically possible, EA will probably take the easier route though, of the Android and iOS apps effectively being two different games. This would mean that updates for both platforms would not need to be released at the exact same time. The cost of donuts is also different in the Android and iOS apps, with donuts costing more on Android (in Australia at least).