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Naboo Raid Attempts Ending Early (Originally posted Jul 5 2024)

EA_Rtas's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
8 months ago

Hi Holotable Heroes,

The team is aware of and investigating an issue where Naboo raid attempts may end early, resulting in a victory screen before reaching max score. There is also potentially a crash impacting a small number of players that may be mitigated by muting the audio in settings.

If you run into these issues, any information you can provide us such as your ally code, when you hit the issue, if you used auto at all, and any other relevant information would be helpful.

As a potential workaround try closing your game, clearing its cache, and restarting your device.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work on this.

Published 8 months ago
Version 1.0


  • Happened yet again. 

    Used 4 R5 gungans (all but JJB), tried it twice - once in auto, one manually. Raid ended early both times

  • Imdonesir's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    7 months ago

    Greetings, I would like to start off by saying that I really have enjoyed this community and most of what the game has come to offer, but there are some issues with it that I cannot ignore any longer.

    This Raid Is Unbearable

    There are so many things wrong with this raid and although it does give add the element of working together as a guild there are just too many errors outweighing the good. The featured raid is not only central to every account development, but it is the weekly highlight the entire guild looks forward to and it has quickly become something that we dread doing. On top of this raid being time consuming on a normal run it often ends early or crashes on my phone. 

    As a business my gaming experience should be your highest priority 

    I have felt that I have had to pay for unfortunate mistakes when I am spending money on this game. This is not only a game, but a business. I purchased your product expecting a delightful experience for this raid and I am an unhappy consumer. My experience has been so painful that I'd rather spend my time and hard earned cash on things that bring enjoyment in my life instead of things that make my life more frustrating. This raid has been a souring experience for the community as a whole and I don't see a future for this game should this trend continue. Everything about this raid from it's conception to how it continues to run has soured the game in general for me and many people and some one needs to be fired for this atrociousity.  


    If I were in your shoes I would working to make this raid a lot easier to play and access able for smaller accounts that were able to play SBR. In the future I would hire beta testers of actual players to catch bugs early on and make the transition into the next featured raid much smoother. If a smooth transition is not achievable then I would stop releasing new raids all together because the game cannot go on like this.

    Complements To The Chief

     What I did enjoy about the raid is how it changed the game and our strategy for obtaining rewards as a guild and community, however, this is the only compliment I can give.