12 years ago
danyellem80 wrote: Since Barney is now a premium character shouldnt his jobs pay outs reflect that? Ijs No, as he originally was not a Premium Character, but a Xmas Event Item, for Santa Coins. ...
NeoSEC28 wrote:mwdalton wrote:
No, as he originally was not a Premium Character, but a Xmas Event Item, for Santa Coins. They won't bother to change game code to differentiate between people who bought his as premium vs non-premium.VxMarmitex9 wrote:
And you might get people who bought it with Santa coins complaining about not having a premium payout compared to a donut bought one.
YES on 24 :lol: I mean yes on both of these :D
I would be majorly "annoyed" if he paid out prem after i got him with Santa coins for FREEEEEE lol