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7 years ago

Bart Royale and Valentine's Day 2018: Walkthrough

Planet of Escapes Pt. 1

Auto starts

Bart: Hey Milhouse, get over here now!
Milhouse: Yes, master… I mean Bart.
Bart: You were right the first time. C'mon. They're unveiling a lame, new Mega Playscape today. We're gonna check it out.
Milhouse: I'm wearing my Sunday socks in case we take our shoes off!

Task: Place Mega Playscape
Task: Make Bart Check Out Mega Playscape With Milhouse
Time: 6s
Location: Mega Playscape
Requires: Milhouse

Bart: This isn't too bad! Milhouse, stand at the bottom of the slide so I can build up an electrostatic charge and zap you into Shelbyville.
Sludge: Hey watch it! This spot is already claimed. If you can't see my mark, you should be able to smell it!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 2

Bart starts

Bart: This sucks! The thing had hardly been built and already weirdos have moved in.
Bart: Grown ups get all the cool stuff built around here.
Bart: Weirdo mark or no weirdo mark, it's time we take a stand. Come on, Milhouse!

Task: Make Bart Storm Mega Playscape With Milhouse
Time: 6s
Location: Mega Playscape
Requires: Milhouse

On job start:
Sludge: You again? Why can't you kids take a hint?
Bart: This was built for kids, not for whatever you are!
Bootsie: Sludge was here first. Like I tell ‘em down under the overpass, first come, first squat.
Milhouse: She makes a very valid case, Bart.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 3

Bart starts

Bart: I'm going to have to resort to desperate measures.
Bart: Hey Homer, can you help me kick some drunk creeps out of the new kid play area?
Homer: I was NEVER in your play area!
Bart: No, I'm talking about drunker creeps than you.
Homer: I find that hard to believe. But a father must trust his son.
Bart: Thanks, Dad.
Homer: I meant that as a question. A father must trust his son?

Task: Make Bart Storm Mega Playscape With Homer
Time: 6s
Location: Mega Playscape
Requires: Homer

On job start:
Bootsie: Whatsit?... who dares enter my drinkin' tube?
Homer: Bootsie? You're the ones my kid has been moaning about?
Bart: I should've guessed you'd be on a first-name basis with all the drunk creeps in town.
Homer: Bootsie's her last name… and her first.

On job end:
Homer: This is a pretty sweet squat you got here! A roof over your head, slides to get out without falling down, and grated floors so you're not sleeping in your own filth.
Bootsie: This man knows how to live!
Bart: Wait, you're taking their side!? Ugh!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 4

Bart starts

Bart: Kids of Springfield! We must stand up against these thieving drunks. We must fight for what's rightfully ours!
Milhouse: But adults pay for everything so what's really ours?
Bart: I'd like to respond to your point by saying, OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
Milhouse: But I'm willing to see both sides.

Task: Make Youngsters Storm Mega Playscape
Time: 6s
Location: Mega Playscape

Bart: Fall back!
Bart: We need to restock our spit-wads, regroup our flaming bags of dog poop, and hit them again!

Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: Nice try, boy. It'll take more than a few meddling Milhouses and No-goodnik Nelsons to make me leave my plastic palace.
Bootsie: Oh, so you're joining us now? That's cool, as long as you help us improve and defend it.
Homer: Whoa, hold your hooch. Are you suggesting something involving work?
Bootsie: There will always be more kids climbing our ladders and sliding down our chutes unless we fortify the place.
Homer: That definitely sounds like work.

Task: Make Adults Fortify Mega Playscape
Time: 4h
Location: Mega Playscape
Task: Make Youngsters Assault Mega Playscape
Time: 4h
Location: Mega Playscape

On job start:
Homer: Back off boy! This is a perfect place for me to hide from work, your mom, and my bar tab at Moe's!
Bart: We'll drive you out! Even if we have to tear it down to its recycled rubber play-safe foundation!

On job end:
Homer: Woo-hoo! I win! I win!
Bootsie: Those walls should hold them back a bit.
Bootsie: Hey, the door is locked.

Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 6

Homer starts

Homer: While you were building walls I filled your space with a Duff keg-erator. I'm afraid there isn't room for you anymore.
Bootsie: But, we were there first!
Homer: Sorry. Beer beats bums every time.
Bootsie: When word gets ‘round what you done here, you'll find out just what kind of bums you're dealing with.
Homer: Ahh! Why do I throw around the “B” word so recklessly?!

Task: Tap Ruffians in Springfield
Task: Tap Ruffians in Other Springfields
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 7

Homer starts

Homer: Dear God! This playscape says it was proudly made here in Springfield!
Homer: Nothing anyone's proud of is made in this town. It won't withstand a strong breeze, let alone a bunch of kids assaulting it.
Cletus: I sold the copper from my exploded moonshine still to a scrap yard and saws all kinds of things we could use to shore up this place.
Willie: Aye! We need to dig ourselves in good. Like a flea in Willie's brow!

Task: Build Scrap City
Task: Craft Straight Trench
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 8

Willie starts

Willie: That oughta slow ‘em down, but I don't know fer how long.
Homer: Then we will fight them on the beaches… on the landing grounds! And all the other places that cigar guy said.
Krusty: Beaches? I can't expose my clown skin to sunlight!
Homer: I mean we need to defend all of our turf, and hunker down for the long haul.
Willie: If need be we'll hide in the castle keep like me forefathers did in the old country.
Homer: They hid?
Willie: Aye. Wretched cowards they were, the whole lot of them.

Task: Place Playscape Barrier in Bonus Area
Task: Place Playscape Lookout in Bonus Area
Task: Reach 5.00% Bonus at Mega Playscape
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 9

Bart starts

Bart: I can't believe bumbling oafs and guzzling loafs like Homer and his friends have been able to hold out this long.
Milhouse: So we're giving up?
Martin: We gave it the old college try. Although I don't see college in the cards for either of you.
Bart: We are NOT giving up. We're going to keep going back so they see how nuts kids can really be!

Task: Make Adults Fortify the Mega Playscape
Time: 4h
Location: Mega Playscape
Task: Make Youngsters Assault the Mega Playscape
Time: 4h
Location: Mega Playscape
Task: Unlock General Bart

General Bart: Now it's war.

Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Planet of Escapes Pt. 10

Lisa starts

Lisa: Mom, how can you sit by while this is happening?
Marge: I can because it's so peaceful in the house with the boys outside this whole time. You have no idea how freeing it is to not have to constantly say “Lift your feet!” when vacuuming.
Marge: But I suppose we should rein them in before it envelops the whole town like it always does.
Lisa: How will you get them to sit down together?
Marge: Oldest trick in the housewives' book…
Marge: Bart, Homer! Your bacon-wrapped pork butt is ready!

Task: Make Marge Mediate
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make General Bart Get Fooled Into a Sit-Down
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Get Fooled Into a Sit-Down
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

On job start:
General Bart: I'll take my butt to go. Which is easier for me to do than fat-ass Homer.
Marge: Oh no you won't mister. We're going to talk this through.
Homer: It's a trap! A delicious trap!
Homer: We still get fed, right?
Marge: Of course!

On job end:
General Bart: It isn't fair! Adults take everything! And Homer eats everything, including my dinner!
Homer: You can't prove anything. Just take the peace offer so we can get back to normal dinners.
General Bart: Never! Take this, Mr. Potato Head!
Homer: No one wastes your mother's au gratins and lives!
System Message: You have completed the Act 1 story! Keep Fortifying and Assaulting the Mega Playscape, Act 2 starts soon!

Quest reward: 50 Event Currency and 20 XP

More Beer

Auto starts

Task: Collect Beers
Quest reward: 1/2/3 Donuts, $100 and 10 XP

D'oh-parture Zone Pt. 1

Homer starts

Homer: The kids are really wrecking this place. They take all the fun out of being drunk in a kid park.
Bootsie: If you hadn't kicked us out we could've taught you how to let go of society's expectations, and be a king of the night.
Cletus: Like a zombie or a meth addict?
Krusty: Or that Stephen King clown who hangs out in gutters?
Bootsie: I'm talking about just doing what you want. Build your own kingdom to rule.
Homer: You sound very wise… and very sober.
Bootsie: *guzzles beer* This bottle will take care of that. Now what was I slurr-ring?
Homer: That's the Bootsie I know! Now I'll just need a few things from home…

Task: Place Junk Base
Task: Make Homer Grab Supplies From Home
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Youngsters Seize Opportunity
Time: 6s
Location: Mega Playscape
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

D'oh-parture Zone Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: Marge, don't wait up!
Marge: Where are you going with Bart's Kamp-Out Krusty sleeping bag?
Homer: Just as the name implies… camping… with Krusty and the guys.
Bart: Oh no you don't!
Homer: Too late! I'm in the bag and already-- *SNORING*

Task: Make Adults Fortify Junk Base
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
Task: Make Youngsters Assault Junk Base
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

D'oh-parture Zone Pt. 3

Homer starts

Homer: We fended off those pesky kids! Time for a celebration beer unless I drank them all as midst-of-battle beers.
Bootsie: Hey, you locked us out again! I'm startin' to think you're doin' it on purpose!
Homer: You're JUST starting to think that? I thought I was being very clear.
Bootsie: Dang it! You just did it again while you were talkin'!

Task: Clear Ruffians
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

D'oh-parture Zone Pt. 4

Cletus starts

Cletus: Weez gonna have to get more barricades and what-not's if we plan on fending off kids AND them folks you scorned good.
Homer: *whines* Ohhh… more building? When does our new society get to just sit around and drink all day?

Task: Place Junk Barrier in Bonus Area
Task: Place Junk Lookout in Bonus Area
Task: Reach 10.00% Bonus at Junk Base
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

D'oh-parture Zone Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: All right, we're geared up on the outside, and boozed up on the inside. Finally we can sit back and relax--
Lindsey Naegle: I wouldn't do that. You don't know the devious devil-spawn you're dealing with. These kids will find a way in.
Lindsey Naegle: On the positive side, you may starve to death first. Man cannot live on Krusty Krunch corn snacks and Duff alone!
Homer: Don't challenge me! I will win!
Lindsey Naegle: I've collected knowledge for these kinds of eventualities. You can learn all about it in my new ViewTube series: “Doomsday Naegle's Take No Prisoners Prepping”.

Task: Make Adults Fortify Junk Base
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
Task: Make Youngsters Assault Junk Base
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
Task: Unlock Prepper Lindsey Naegle
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

D'oh-parture Zone Pt. 6

Homer starts

Homer: So, teach me how to run this place.
Prepper Lindsey Naegle: All you have to do to seize power is sacrifice one of your children.
Homer: I know which one.
Marge: That's crazy! Homer, don't you dare!
Prepper Lindsey Naegle: Relax. That was a test to see just how committed you are. Marge, as a prepper, you failed. As a mother, you passed.

Task: Make Homer Learn How to Survive Isolation
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
If the user has Lindsey Naegle: Task: Make Prepper Lindsey Naegle Teach Isolation Survival
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base

Bootsie: You think you can hide in there forever? You think this is the last you've seen of us? You think any wall will stop us?
Homer: Yes?
Bootsie: You make a good argument.
System Message: You have completed the Act 2 story! Keep Fortifying and Assaulting bases, Act 3 starts soon!

Quest reward: 50 Event Currency and 20 XP

More Cola

Auto starts

Task: Collect Buzz Colas
Quest reward: 1/2/3 Donuts, $100 and 10 XP

Happy Valentine's 2018

Auto starts

System Message: It's Valentine's Day! Motherloving Sugar Company wouldn't let us give out any chocolate, so here are some donuts!
Quest reward: 10 Donuts

Ruffing It Pt. 1

Homer starts

Homer: I've got no Wi-Fi. My myPad battery is dead. How is a binge-watcher supposed to survive in his fortress?!
Water Baron Burns: With my power plant workers frolicking in play forts and bungling in jungle gyms, I've switched my business plan from controlling all power to controlling all the water.
General Bart: The town won't stand for it and neither will I!
Water Baron Burns: You're right, annoying urchin. Rather, the town will KNEEL.
Water Baron Burns: For you see, I have struck a deal with these ruffians you have cast aside. They protect me from your squabbles and I provide them with the essentials long denied them.

Task: Place Ruffian Fort
Task: Destroy Ruffian Fort Defenses
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Ruffing It Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: That'll teach them “roofies” to mess with Springfield!
Water Baron Burns: Blast! Well, “RUFFIANS”, what are you going to do about it?
Mumbles: *mumbles unintelligibly*
Bootsie: He said, “Great consideration is being employed towards our response and will be determined upon completion of proper hydration.”
Water Baron Burns: Don't just dilly-dally the day away. Hit them back! Damage their hovels and you'll have all the water you could want.

Task: Make Youngsters Fortify
Time: 4h
Location: Mega Playscape
Task: Make Adults Fortify
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Ruffing It Pt. 3

Homer starts

Homer: All this fighting is thirsty work. Moe, do you deliver?
Moe: Sure. But you should know that given the stranglehold Burns-ey has on water, people been turning to your favorite suds for their hydratin'.
Moe: Finally, all those uppity types gotta look ol' Moe in his good eye and ask for help. What am I sayin'? I got no good eye. They'z both dead.

Task: Make Moe Deliver to the “Front”
Time: 4h
Location: Junk Base
Task: Unlock Emperor Moe
Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Ruffing It Pt. 4

Lisa starts

Lisa: Isn't anyone going to stop this? It's turning Springfield into a dystopian nightmare!
Emperor Moe: Hey some of us do quite well in a society of “non-traditional” rule.
Lisa: At the expense of everyone else!
Water Baron Burns: Well, little Sally Socialist, that is not how the world works. Everyone desires something and anyone that controls what is desired will rise to the top of the heap… and then they can crush that heap.

Task: Make Lisa Figure Out What Springfield Really Desires
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

On job start:
Lisa: Civilization has been cast aside, we barely have food, water, and power. People are happier fighting and living in a practically medieval world.
Lisa: It's almost Game of Thorns-times. Of course! Everyone goes crazy watching it and they're all anticipating the next season…
Lisa: That's it!

Quest reward: 25 Event Currency and 10 XP

Ruffing It Pt. 5

Lisa starts

Lisa: Bart, Dad, if this fighting isn't settled you will both suffer the consequences.
Homer: What consequences could we suffer? Knee scrapes? Torn pants?
Bart: Big deal. Someone might see my underwear. *laughs*
Lisa: If this fighting doesn't end... everyone involved will miss out on the next season of Game of Thorns.
Homer: Psh, the DVR will record it. We won't miss a thing.
Lisa: I will yell out endings and spoil every episode.
Homer: Aaaaaahhh!

Task: Make Simpsons Settle Differences
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Lisa: I'm glad everyone settled their differences and we worked out a way for Bootsie and friends to watch as well.
Lisa: Now, I can look forward to a normal life. At least what passes for normal in Springfield anyway.
Bootsie: We don't miss a moment streaming from the library. Sure beats watchin' from a tree limb outside Homer's bedroom window every week.
Homer: The dragons are the coolest.
Bart: No way man, the zombies are the coolest!
Homer: *chokes Bart* I'll zombie you!
System Message: You have completed the event story! Keep clearing Ruffians and Assaulting to expand your bases!

Quest reward: 50 Event Currency and 20 XP

More Gas

Auto starts

Task: Collect Gas Cans
Quest reward: 1/2/3 Donuts, $100 and 10 XP
  • @OhHappyJays - Definitely Lindsey. It's virtually impossible for a newer player to start Heights from scratch and get her without significant grinding, even with the 8-hr tasks. I'd hate to be trying to get her mid-event