Forum Discussion

ZennGlenn's avatar
3 hours ago

⚠️Let's Save TSTO⚠️


😏Well, I've  posted a couple times in previous threads of massive disappointment (here & TSTO Addicts site), blended with befuddlement, astonishment, anger & analysis of any possible creative, optimistic, proactive solutions that might be generated via my 1 mile  proximity from EA HQ in Playa Vista , LA, CA. 

Many options certainly exist from polls on this very site & the TSTO Forum to confirm financial solutions of what players would be willing to pay weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc., which certainly seems most logical to present as a primary solution, considering the entire decision is based on a financial foundation. I directly appeal / invite all players, TSTO Addicts board members, remaining TSTO EA employees to join in immediately organizing any efforts to save their jobs & this wonderful game. This sincerely seems quite logical & worthwhile  means to spend the remainder of this year rather than simply accepting defeat⚠️

Not to go into politics, but briefly noting in direct relevance, Friggin💩'Fox News' managed to save themselves via spending $787 million just continue broadcasting their BS, so there would mist certainly seem to be some actual accepted financial means on a far lower level to save this 'impressive little money machine'. There is certainly always options & solutions, particularly in this special instance where so many years have been dedicated to a very special, creative game based on a very impressive decades long beloved show🎬👌

I'm glad to further spearhead things via whatever efforts might be suggested to engage in seeking a solution...
Very Sincerely,

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