Forum Discussion

ToxicLove101's avatar
11 years ago

Bart's Tree House

If you finished part 1 of that quest, then just make sure you have both Lisa & Milhouse free. Lisa should prompt you with part 2 of Bart Crusoe
  • Check the pinned thread in the FAQ and Guides section of the forum. The thread title to look for is the Complete Walkthrough one. Scroll down and read the Bart's Treehouse part .. Be sure to look at the part just above it! I was stuck just like you and found what I was doing wrong by that thread. I refer to it A LOT.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • I seem to remember having a similar issue, and sending them to school again, and then it triggered. Took a couple days between pt one and pt two for some reason.
  • baylensmom wrote:
    P.s., I just noticed it's my one year anniversary on the forum!

    And you only posted 2 messages. :lol:
  • baylensmom wrote:
    annettemarc wrote:
    Check the pinned thread in the FAQ and Guides section of the forum. The thread title to look for is the Complete Walkthrough one. Scroll down and read the Bart's Treehouse part .. Be sure to look at the part just above it! I was stuck just like you and found what I was doing wrong by that thread. I refer to it A LOT.

    Hope that helps. :)

    :thumbup: :thumbup: don't know what I would have done without the walk through.

    P.s., I just noticed it's my one year anniversary on the forum!

    I've already done everything it says to do....I've even let Millhouse and Lisa sit and do nothing for a few days. They've gone to school I don't know how many times and I've made Mr. Burns read that book who knows how many times....