Forum Discussion

inusiax's avatar
11 years ago

Bloaters at Squidport

I believe you have to progress through Database's quest and Bloaters will be unlocked eventually because he has a task there.

6 Replies

  • I'd like to get this building going also. I've completed all of Databases's missions, and reached level 45 yesterday. I started the Ziff missions last night.

    Everything I've read says that I should have gotten the mission to start the Bloaters. What gives?
  • i believe you need to have database, Lisa and Martin free as they all have a joint dialogue and task there
  • Once you get to a certain point, part 8 I think? Then you build it. I think part 9 is where you send Database, Lisa and Martin there.
  • Hmm, I'm not sure what the last thing I completed with Database was, but he has no triggers now, and is waiting for something to do.
  • I was stuck at this point until I realized I needed to send Bart to skateboard two more times. I thought he was done after one and I was waiting for something to do.