Forum Discussion

wildminion's avatar
9 years ago

Bows, nice bows and naughty neighbours

When I finally realized I could find a list that shows me who's naughty or nice I just stopped give by to the naughty neighbours and focus on the nice ones, oddly I only have about 10 that give to me all the time and I too return the presents being nice each and everytime. I did delete a few however that clearly have some shadiness going on. It bothers me that some give all their daily gifts to me, are nice then when I go to give presents back it says they are full. :( I'd like to be able to return them and be helpful as well! In my opinion it is really poor on EA's part to only allow us 5 per day. It's a huge struggle.
  • adidas4fun68 wrote:
    I'm not top of my leader board.

    Many of my strangers are naughty to me.

    I havent deleted any from the list.

    I really must be doing it wron again, *sigh* story of my life.

    There, there, it's just a game......... :wink:
  • I've been working my way through my friends list as well. But if everyone starts at A, then the poor guys at the end of the alphabet would have been waiting a long time to get any gifts. So I always try to include my friends from W onwards as early as possible.

    I have now found a friend who is returning multiple gifts and he always picks nice, so M is my favourite letter at the moment.
  • I'm not deleting anyone, if they give a present to me, one bow is still more than no bows. BUT, I will not be dropping presents in their towns.

    Given that bows are limited and in short supply (which makes crafting everything very difficult this event), I am looking at the bottom of my list for nice neighbors who are running behind on their bows and giving them my gifts. Maybe they don't have as many friends on their list, maybe their friends aren't as active, I don't know. But I am sure that they probably would like the chance to craft items too, so I'm giving to the nice underdogs.
  • I look at the leaderboards and gift neighbors who are extremely 'nice'. more blue than red.

    if a neighbor gifts me first I will reciprocate my only if they are mostly 'nice'.

    no point gifting to 'bad' neighbors, bows are rare and I want that Efcot center. wish me luck.