Forum Discussion

mrmojorisin147's avatar
8 years ago

Buggy Update

My list of gripes so far with this update:

  • KEM no longer line up nicely when laying down a large amount. The position for each consecutive building seems to jump all over now
  • The numbers in the XP bar are not centered
  • The Drone Scan mini game quits early without rewarding any items and cannot be restarted for 4 hrs
  • Clicking on the character square in the top left doesn't exit you out of menus anymore

Why is it with all the new bugs there don't seem to be any that work to our advantage?
  • Plus the Men in Tan are not giving out schematics. I have a daily task to collect 40 schematics and may not make it in one day
  • Dang, I didn't notice the XP bar thing cause I just updated but now it's gonna annoy me
  • Not sure about the others you mention however KEM placement is unchanged for me.

  • I find this one irritating too:

    "Clicking on the character square in the top left doesn't exit you out of menus anymore"

  • The character box issue is odd. Not sure what's the intent of the devs. Like the old way better myself but I could see how the old way could have been the glitch and the new way is actually the "right way" as the devs intended. Either way it's got a easy workaround it's just a change in habit, very minor.

    I do have a bigger issue with the return of the collecting sound glitch. That's super annoying and been going on for like every event for way too long
  • "Surfcitygal;1593012" wrote:
    Plus the Men in Tan are not giving out schematics. I have a daily task to collect 40 schematics and may not make it in one day

    I have this problem as well.
  • The questline dialogue is kind laggy now. I find that I'm able to send off Homer before the rest of the auto-dialogue continues and tells me that I needed to send him elsewhere. Fun!

    Totally concur with the rest of the list except for KEM placement. I go straight instead of staggered. Maybe staggered doesn't work the same anymore? I'll try it myself next round. Also, I haven't had any crashing during the Drone Scan. I'm on Android.