Forum Discussion

billrx248's avatar
8 years ago

Building Animation Guide

Have you ever wanted to send a character on a job just to see animation of a building ? If so, here's
a list of 150 or more buildings with an example of a character and action/job to do so. The list will
have a few characters with multiple entries, so of course you'll decide which building you prefer for that
character to initiate animation within a given time. Also note that some buildings have a very subtle animation.
An example of this for instance is Luann - Running the Cracker factory in which just a bit of smoke emerges from
from the vents.
One building that has great animation is Krusty's Drive-Thru Station which occurs on that station's screen.
However the job is a bit challenging. Conductor Homer's job is to Conduct the Monorail however he must be near
this station and not near any other in your town for him to initiate the animation. If he's closer to another
station, he'll do a 12 hr. job there instead. So it takes a bit of timing and a lot of patience, but it's worth it. The same thing needs to happen when he goes to either Tetanus Terminal or the North Pole Station, but unlike Krusty's Drive-Thru Station, the animation in the later is very minor.

I hope you can use this information and feel free to add a reply with any addition so I can update it to this list !


3D Printer - Mooch Bart - Print 3D Resume

$5 Antler Rental - Bart - Rent Antlers

Adult Education Annex - Lugash - Attend Anger Management Class

Ah Fudge ! Factory - Cocoa Beanie - Get Beaten Up

All Night Gym - Ned Flanders - Blast Those Quads

Ajax Steel Mill - Roscoe - Run the Anvil

Android's Dungeon - Matt Groening - Meet With Fans

Astro-House - Lady Bot - Marvel at the Stars

Atomic Hula Hoop - Willie - Watch Hoola Hoopers

Aztec Theatre - Squeaky Voice Teen - Usher at the Aztec Theatre

Bandit Fort - Database - Assault the Bandit Fort

Barra - Xoxchitla - Enjoy a Cocktail

Barney's Bowlarama - Barney - Be a Pin Monkey

Beer -N- Brawl - Lurleen - Write a Song

Big T Theatre - Jimbo - Catch a Movie

Beach House - Radioactive Man - Shirk His Responsibilities

Billionaire Haven - Paris Hilton - Attend Billionaire Haven

Blue House - Mrs. Sinclair - Practice the Fountainhead Diet

Brittania Casino - Freddy Quimby - Pretend to be James Bont

Brown House - Kearney - Take Son for the Night

Burn's Casino - Mr. Burns (Reclusive Mr. Burns) - Clip Toenails

Burns Manor - Moe (as "Moog") - Invade Burns Mansion

Burns State Prison - Legs - Run Smuggling Operation

Business Man's Social Club - Frankie the Squealer - Brag About His Day

Caesar's Pow-Wow Casino - Tribal Chief - Attend a Corporate Meeting

Calmwood Mental Hospital - Lucille Botzcowski - Visit Alma Mater

Channel 6 - Judge Snyder - Try Out For a Role

Chinese Acrobatic Theatre - Wolfcastle - Prepare for an Action Role

Chocolate Shoppe - Dia-Betty - Eat a Building

Churrascarias - Smithers - Devour Piles of Meat

Classy Girls Strip Club - Mrs. Muntz - Strip

Cletus Dice Den - Cletus - Work at the Dice

Community Center - Sebastian Cobb - Teach Quantum Science 101

Construction Yard - Willey - Steal Nails and Wood

Control Building - Mindy - Plant Shift

Convention Center - Lindsey Naegle - Network at an AA Meeting

Cool Brown House - Cool Homer - Enjoy a Duff Blue Ribbon

Coolsville - Milo - Respect Customers Opinions

Corral - Furious D - Speed Date

Cracker Factory - Luann - Run the Cracker Factory

Crazy Cat House - Crazy Cat Lady - Pretend Iguanas Are Cats

Cryo Stasis Memorial - Grampa - Rest in a Cryo Chamber

Crypto Barn - Database - Browse Magazines on Code

D'Amico Summer Home - Michael D'Amico - Cook up Something Special

Death Mountain - Dr. Colossus - Hatch a New Scheme

Dentz - Ned Flanders - Inspect a Dent Shaped Like Jesus

Der Krazy Kraut - Becky - Work at Der Krazy Kraut

Dome-icicle - Herman - Defend the Domicile

Dr. Lenny's Lab - Cookie Kwan - Host an open Evil Lair

Duff Brewery - Duffman - Party Down at Duff Brewery

Duff Gardens - Helen Lovejoy - Attend Duff Gardens

Duff Stadium - Duffman - Promote Duff at Stadium

El Chemistri - Herb Powell - Compare Business Cards

Elysium Project - Rev. Lovejoy - Cross the Firmament

ESBN Sports Desk - Anger Watkins - Rage About Sports

Fancy Farms - Lindsey Naegle - Buy Pretentious Ingredients

Film Set - Wolfcastle - Fight Climatic Battle

First Church of Springfield - Duffman - Party Down at Church

Frink's Lab - Professor Frink - Conduct Crazy Sciency Experiments

Frink's Mechano Spider - Professor Frink - Work the Controls

Florence of Arabia - Princess Kashmir - Shake Her Moneymaker

Future-Proofed Home - Duffman - Drink Future-Proofed Liquor\

Future Simpson's House - Mooch Bart - Play Video Games

Gaming Moe's - Moe - Work at Gaming Moe's

Gas and Grub - Wise Guy - Work a Clerk Shift

Gate to Nowhere - Kodos - Take a break from Reality

Geriatric Medicine Old Jewish Man - Retrieve a Box of Pills

Ghost Pirate Ship - Sea Captain - Swab the Ghostly Deck

Gilded Truffle - French Waiter - Go to Work

Global housing -Lenny - Sit in Window

Hangar 18 - Bart - Search Hangar 18

Havana Private Home - Bumblebee Man - Have a Siesta

Hellementary School - Bart - Get Straight A's in Evil

Herman's Military Antiques - Herman - Run the Antique Shop

Hibbert Family Practice - Gravedigger Billy - Get an Eye Test

Homer's Dream House - Homer - Pretend to Live Under the Sea

Honest John's Computers - Database - Nerd Out

Hootenanny Barn - Luke Stetson - Honky-tonk !

House of Tommorow - Lampwick - Watch TV

Itchy & Scratchy Studio - Roger Myers Jr. - Shout at the Writers

Impulse Wedding Chappel - Selma - Update Her Frequent Buyer Card

Italian Villa - Francesca Terwilliger - Stomp Grapes

Jay G's Mansion - Jay G - Buy Local Businesses

Kane Manor - Radioactive Man - Relax

KBBL Radio - Stampy - Spray Water with his Trunk

Krusty Burger - Jesse Grass - Protest Eating Animals

Krusty's Drive-Thru Station - Conductor Homer - Conduct the Monorail

Krusty's Mansion - Wise Guy - Check the Plumbing

Kwik-E Mart - Sanjay - 1 hr. Shift

Kwik-E Mart Central Office - Apu - Work at the Central Office

KTV Building - Moe - Apply to Be a Gameshow Host

La Belle Frottage - Sea Captain - Try to Sail Away

Lard Lad Donuts - Eddie - Trip to Lard Lad

Le Krusty Burger - Carl - Eat at Le Krusty Burger

Little Black Box - Carl - Drink at the Black Box

Lincoln's Cabin - Abraham Lincoln - Split Rails

Lovejoy Residence - Jessica Lovejoy - Pretend to be a Good Girl

Lucky Casino - Dr. Hibbert - Bet It All on Black

Lugash's Gym - Lusash - Train Children

Luigi's - Princess Penelope - Eat a Tiny Salas With No Dressing

Mad Doctor's Castle - Willy 4 hr - Straighten Up the Lab

Mansion of Solid Gold - Lampwick - Dine on Liver and Onions

Maison Derriere - Belle - Lead a Dance Number

Mapple Store - Homer - Browse the Mapple Store

Motherloving Sugar Co. - Dia-Betty - Do Some Exercise

Mountain Lodge - Smithers - Relax in the Mountain Lodge

Municipal House of Pancakes - Helen Lovejoy - Gossip

Mushroom Office Building - President Lisa - Take Future-Length Coffee Break

Nero's Palace Casino - Lou - Security Work

Newfangled Kwik-E-Mart - Manjula - Shop at Kwik-E-Mart

Nighthawk Diner - Rex Banner - Eat at the Nighthawk Diner

Office Towers - Cookie Kwan - Push Electro-Pens

Overpass Diner - Old Jewish Man - Nurse a Seniors Bottomless Coffee

O'Flanagan's Pub - Groundskeeper Seamus - Drink at O'Flanagan's

Oedipus Rx - Old Jewish Man - Dance the drugs Away

Peacock Lounge - Mrs. Muntz - Sweep Out the Aisles

Piggly's Super Smorg - Mrs. Bouvier - Dine at the Super Smorg

Pink House - Mindy - Bake a Turkey

Planet Hype - Wolfcastle - Promote Planet Hype

Plato's Republic Casino - Johnny Tightlips - Run the Casino

Playdough Factory - Maggie - Explore Playdough Factory

Police Station - Snake - Pose for a Police Lineup

PolyVac - Stephen Hawkins - Study Black Holes

Presidential Estate - Wise Guy - Check the Plumbing

Purple House - Fat Tony - Get Rid of a Problem

Quimborghini - Freddy Quimby - Hide in the Trunk From Crazy Ex

Quimby Compound - Freddy Quimby - Lead the Priviledged Life

Radioactive Man Statue - Plopper - Train for Future Conflict

Retirement Castle - Laird Ladd - Retire with Grace

Retro Style Townhouse - Declan Desmond - Smoke Retro Style Cigarettes

Reward Center - Mrs. Muntz - Exchange Welfare Checks for SkyCredits

Rocket to Your Doom - Krusty - Stare Doom in the Face

Royal Tokyo - Milhouse - Ride the Elevators

Safari Casino - Brockman - Research Fluff News

Scandal-gate-Hotel - Richard Nixon - Blow Everyone's Minds

Sepulcher of Evil - Mr. Burns - Read from the Necronomicon

She-She Lounge - Ruth Powers - Drink at the She-She Lounge

Shotgun Pete's - Rev. Lovejoy - Officiate Quickie Marriages

Shorty's - Helen Lovejoy - Eavesdrop over Mimosas

Shotkickers - Ruth Powers - Arm Wrestle for Money

Sir Putt-A-Lots - Todd - Go Minigolfing

Simpson House - Hugo - Clean his Room

Skyberdine Systems - Sgt. Skinner - Infiltrate Skyberdine Systems

Sleep-Easy Motel - Tourist - Sleep in Budget Accomodations

Soul Extraction Institute - Robo Burns - Clean His Circuitry

Sprawl Mart - Agnes - Greet Customers

Springfield Arms - Wise Guy - Check the Plumbing

Springfield Clampitheater - Petroleus Rex - Watch the Opera

Springfield Coliseum - Drederick Tatum - Step into the Ring

Springfield Downs - Tom O'Flanagan - Visit the Track

Springfield General Hospital - Dr. Hibbert - Do Surgery Outdoors

Springfield Glenne Condos - Lenny - Live in Cramped Luxury

Springfield Googolplex Theatres - none - select a movie

Springfield High School - Coach Krupt - Teach Gym Class

Springfield Hunting Supplies - Grant Connor - Be Manly

Springfield Hyperstadium - Rockstar Maggie - Rock the Hyperstadium

Springfield Library - Sea Captain - Read Nautical Literature

Springfield Museum - Molloy - Sneak into the Museum

Springfield Observatory - Professor Frink - Host Observatory Event

Springfield Penitentiary - Sideshow Mel - Entertain Inmates

Springfield Pet Shop - Mr. Teeny - Refine "Monkey Business" Act

Springfield Retirement Castle - Mona - Join in Bingo Night

Springfield Slaughterhouse - Lunch Lady Dora - Grind Gym Mats

Stonecutter Lodge - Number 1 - Quick Drink at the Stonecutter Lodge

Stu's Disco - Disco Stu - Work a Shift at Stu's Disco

Sumo Stadium - Sakatumi - Teach Sumo

Superior Squad HQ - Fallout Boy - Clean the HQ

Swanky Fish - Brockman - Dine at the Swanky Fish

Temple Beth Springfield - Rabbi Krustofsky - Consult the Texts

The Happy Sumo - Akira - Work a 24 Hour Shift

The Frying Dutchman - Sea Captain - Work at the Frying Dutchman

The Little Black Box - Lenny - Drink at the Black Box

The Vast Waistband - The Rich Texan - Visit the Vast Waistband

Tommorow's Cosington's - Lindsey Naegle - Shop for Gifts of Christmas Future

Up, Up and Buffet - Comic Book Guy - Eat a Buffet Meal

Van Houten House - Luann - Relax in a Jacuzzi Suit

Vesuvius Pizza - Cletus - Grab a Slice of Pizza

Volcanic Lair - Hank Scorpio - Proceed With Project Arcturus

Vulgari - Bernice Hibbert - Test her Credit Limit

Wall E Weasels - Bart - Play Larry the Looter

Wes Doobner's Rib Huts - Wes Doobner - Perfect Secret Sauce

Wiggum House - Ralph - Celebrate his Birthday Again

Wild Film Set - Buck McCoy - Teach Cowboy Slang

Willie's Shack - Death - Sharpen His Scythe

Woodstock Casino - Mrs. Krabappel - Relive Old Memories

Ziff Corp Office Building - Artie Ziff - Burn the Midnight Oil