Forum Discussion

direwolf987's avatar
11 years ago

Bunnies Hate Concrete

Ive got one section where the bunnies keep hanging out on the concrete. Rest of my town only on grass.
  • I've noticed that they seem a bit scared of the graveyard. Lots of grass, but for some reason mine don't play there :D
  • bunnies seem to like Squidport also. The little blighters are always hiding out there.
  • I've heard bunnies like popcorn. This is my plan for luring them to the streets: potholes.
  • Love it, mwdalton :D

    I worry about the Squidport bunnies. What happens when they burrow down? :mrgreen: The concrete burrowing ones are probably some kind of mutant rabbit. Or maybe the popcorn gives them Superbunny strength.
  • My bunnies seem to have a limited number of spawn points. Each time I log in, one bunny pops up in the grass behind my Klaus Co., two appear next to Krabapple's apartment, one is on the road leading to Squidport, on is hiding behind the Springfield sign, etc.

    In my much smaller feeder town, a bunny appears off the map just outside my brown house farm.
  • At one point, I thought they were spawning from the trees with Easter streamers. But they definitely have fixed spawn points. I always find them in or near the same areas.
  • I don't think I've found a single one on my squidport yet. They mainly stick to grassy area.