Forum Discussion

simpsonare's avatar
5 years ago

Buy buff Milhouse? Event Brainstorm

ok... I want to make a suggestion with you all. I know many of us have grown tired of this game ever since Dec. 2018. Could it be because of funding? There's so little in events compared to what it used to be. I'm requesting you to make a decision.

My thinking is that I will support Tapped Out. So that even more will come. But should I support something that I am not enjoying. Should we be in arms for buying this 20 dollar milhouse. Hoping for something extra. Or should we be in arms refusing to purchase until they give us what we ask.

Recently EA added ads to UFC during replays. A vocal majority announced their disapproval of it and EA responded to it. So we need them to respond to us. These multi events are not it!

What do you want to see as a standard event?

Me: 3 Acts. Prize track with purchasable content through the event. A crafting option for more content. Tappable NPCs that will be purchasable after the event for memorabilia. Mini games. A funny story

So the question remains. Are you happy with the current event set up? Should we buy Milhouse to show support to EA. Or refuse buying Milhouse for a cause? Leave your thoughts below.