snowyriver32 wrote:
Come to think of it, you would probably lose more time waiting for the rollback and going through the process with EA and having to catch up from day 1 than you would lose just starting out from today and going forward from where you are.
it may not matter if their database is corrupt on the game's server. this is the only purpose for a rollback.
you have to think about the logic of synchronization between remote devices and servers. depending on the level of synch, a determination is made as to what OVERWRITES what.
- when we log in, our device and their servers overwrite EACH OTHER selectively.
- after logging in somewhere else, the servers overwrite OUR device fully.
- if something corrupts on our device, but on a rare occasion is allowed to overwrite the server, then next time the server goes to overwrite us, we are screwed.
it's at this point that a rollback is needed. this rollsback the DB on the SERVER, WHICH THEN IS OVERWRITTEN TO US, and hopefully eliminates the corruption.
this is why i always recommend trying to log in from another device first. if THAT DEVICE WORKS, the server DB is ok and rollback not necessary.
sorry so wordy lesson on synch. happy tapping!