Forum Discussion

nightwingx2k646's avatar
10 years ago

Cannot store Springfield heights anymore?

its unstorable due to a glitch with people losing their builds or duplicating them or other glitches so while they're fixing them they won't be storable
  • Ok that makes sense I guess but still lame because who's to say it'll ever get fixed? If people are willing to cheat (seriously cheating? It's a game!) and exploit the buildings then they have to shut it down. But maybe cheating how a few of my neighbors have 1.2+ billion and only one of each building showing with hardly any decorations. Or they got it done before this storing issue popped up. I'll spend money on every new character and building but real money to rush? I'm not that dumb or desperate.
  • Many people accidently ended up with duplicates due to the glitch - so it's not necessarily a case of "cheating" or even wanting the duplicates - it's a case of storage being unstable in regards to these buildings.
  • WTH?! THIS aggravated me this morning as I design... C'mon EA get your stuff together!
  • This seriously needs to be fixed. These buildings are so fricken ugly and I have anywhere between 5 to 10 of each in my town. It makes me really nervous that it won't get fixed. Wish I had never started SH...
  • I've stopped at any further upgrades of Business Centers and Parking Structures until this is resolved. I wouldn't have a place for 'Billionaire's Haven' even if I'd earned it by now. Such a bummer, too.