Forum Discussion

cjharris5's avatar
10 years ago


It's a lot of rods but i might be able to get him.
  • Mirality wrote:
    I started the event a couple days late apparently because I didn't get a notification that it needed a store update. So I still have 10,000 rods to collect to get Clownface. Not sure if that's achievable in 2 days.

    But the counter at the bottom of Issue 1 still shows 30 days left, which sounds like you can still collect rods after Issue 2 starts, or possibly that Issue 2 won't start until you've got Clownface.

    Can anyone confirm/deny?

  • I got him using no donuts (or plopper). Be sure you collect from the emergency calls within 4 hours because you get four times as many rods.
  • Yeah, I didnt rush anything when it came to rods and items like clownface either. Im 4 hours away from my neighbour's places becoming available. I should have him by then. I did start about 4 hours after a lot of forum memebers.
  • I think that if u have tons of friends and you tap the burglars in your town before your town is over run with them, then you should be able to get him no problem. I wouldn't worry. There is the option of getting him for donuts im sure, if you really wanted him and actually did miss out. There are just way too many rods around though. We're practically bound to get him. Tap tap tap!
  • I got him a couple of hours ago. I'm glad I didn't shell out on the licence, like I did with the rigellan hunting licence.
  • jackrvickers1 wrote:
    Have I missed something here? While the 2nd phase starts in a couple of days, the prizes from the first phase are still available for 30 days. Why would you need to rush to get them???

    Clownface quests start phase 2 and we don't yet know for sure how the event will transition between phases so there's a combination of the desire to quickly start collecting the next currency and fear that this may be another broken event.

    I think there won't be a major problem with getting him late but I have seen enough of ea and past events that I still have a little bit of worry about it.
  • cjharris5 wrote:
    For those that have been stating that it would be difficult to get prizes before the next round starts - don't dispar. I have already been able to get Clownface and I only used 4 donuts to speed up a few things at the beginning to get started.

    note: you do not need to hurry to get Clownface. You cannot do much with him until the next round anyway.

    way to go neighboreeno. Should be there mid day tomorrow.
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    I'm 150 away. I'm getting anxious :mrgreen:

    U probably have it now eh? Yay
    Got mine without going to visit other towns because there were enough burglars creepin' around and also because my neighbors are amazing when it comes to calling crime in. (I have my badge thingie too though so im sure that helped). Now we wait a couple days to see what hes going to do!