12 years ago
Crazy Luck
nminzey wrote:
I've been placing bets at the Dog Track every time I could since the minimum bet was lowered to $2000 and the odds were improved. I've won at each of the other odds level but hadn't won the long shot...until now!
There are some great threads on the odds and why you should always play. Just wanted to add my experience since I see a lot of people on the forum saying its not worth it.
On the other hand, maybe I'm just lucky because a few minutes before won at the Dog Track, I got this...
Or maybe EA adjusts the odds periodically - or the systems has a bit of a glitch. Either way, it saved me a few days of collecting money to pay for the Calmwood Mental Hospital.
Here's to good luck!
Lucky day for you; take advantage of it. :lol: