Forum Discussion

brewdog79's avatar
12 years ago

Crazy luck in my feeder town

Maybe you should make it a real town ;)

1 Reply

  • This is my experience too.

    My main account regularly sees $350 from the scratcher, brown fences/other crap from the mystery box, no coins in presents... my luck there is always dry. My feeder account however regularly wins $2500 from the scratcher and has twice won the $10,000, regularly wins premium content in the mystery box and just won 10 donuts from it, has only 30,000ish gift cards and has all but two items cleared the wheel etc. Makes me crazy, but it also makes me laugh. I know it is all luck, but it is so drastically different between the two accounts it almost seems intentional. (Don't worry, no conspiracy theories, I know it isn't actually intentional.)