Forum Discussion

Zafobi's avatar
10 years ago

Dear Carbon Rods,
there you go

25 Replies

  • I've hit 2 bonus prizes so far... 1st box on one and 3rd box on the other. It'll be close but I bet I can get two more tomorrow.
  • I hit the donut bonus again in both my games.

    Counting what I got doing Friend Actions today that's 6 for my Freemium town,and 10 for my Premium town.

    I'm getting close to leveling up in both my games, but it's gonna be a day or two before I hit them. Why? Why did I have to plant Corn?
  • ephphoneapps wrote:
    I've hit 2 bonus prizes so far... 1st box on one and 3rd box on the other. It'll be close but I bet I can get two more tomorrow.

    Exact same for me.
  • Just got my second bonus, 2 donuts each time. No rushing and I play on kindle so started late!
  • Woohoo, 4 free donuts so far. It was tempting to spend the $150,000 for another chance but am using the event to save money for Sit N Rotate, which I recently cleared a spot of land for. Those criminals just keep coming, you can get 3000 rods in surprisingly little time!