Forum Discussion

victoriaw76's avatar
11 years ago

Dear EA Developers.....

I suppose EA knows to what you refer but perhaps you can explain it to the rest of the readers of these forums
  • I believe he is referring to in the past, you could spend holiday tokens on whatever you wanted. Then, in EA's Infinite Wisdom, they changed it to a total amount of tokens awarded through community awards. Then, ever since the Valentine's Update, it is totally random. You can earn 15 Bajillion eggs but win Useless Crap every roll of the dice.

    For example, I still am winning crap with each roll. Fencing, beach umbrellas, ponds, trees and the like. Let us spend our eggs on the crap we want to! X number for Sherry Bobbins, X number for Egg man, and so forth. Or make it like it was most of last year, cumulative.
  • datasurgeon wrote:
    I suppose EA knows to what you refer but perhaps you can explain it to the rest of the readers of these forums

    I could have it all wrong, but here is my guess:

    It's a teacher joke. "Common core" is a controversial, increasingly unpopular approach to education in which every subject is interwoven with every other subject, no matter how absurd. For those of us who detest it, it is one in a long line of absurd education "innovations". In my opinion, it is c r a p like the common-core approach that has turned our education system into one big standardized conglomerate constantly administering standardized tests and excreting standardized students. Who are then expected to somehow relate Mesopotamian art to C++ programming. Total waste of time.

    I think (but am not sure) that the OP was ridiculing the excessive use of mathematical layering in this event. Math has its place, EA. Keep it in the code and please let us play our game without needing a scientific calculator to figure out what's going on.

    End of rant.

    Aren't you glad you asked? :)
  • Yeah... Google "common core math". It gets into crazy areas where there may not even be right or wrong answers (hello!!! It's math!! It's all right or wrong answers!!!).