Forum Discussion

randomtest276's avatar
11 years ago

Did i just get a worthless update?

I had something, the game crashed midway through. Contacted EA and they said nothing had been released YET. Fingers crossed it's not useless, something in the pipeline maybe.
  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:
    I've been getting a ton of crashes. Hope it's a fix for that. :roll:

    I can generally only visit about 10 neighbors before it crashes. Sucks.

    Same here.
  • OrdinarilyBob wrote:
    I haven't seen an update... :?:

    What's a tie-in?

    Tie-in's are small limited time content updates that usually last less then a week with content related in some way to the episode that usually airs the Sunday after the update is released.
  • debating in whetehr i should get the mansion or not. i have enough donuts just i wanna save up for halloween too.

    (i need to spend more time online getting more free itunes gift cards thats how i get my donuts free)
  • ZennGlenn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    If it H - Hun or K- Mansion I say the Hun w/Uter is more worthwhile :wink:
  • The things that get complaints just confuses me. Why does an update have to upset you when you don't get another thing handed to you for free? There are two likely causes for updates that appear to do nkthing: 1. Bug fixes, 2. To have future content preloaded so it's ready at a specific time.

    Lighten up a bit. :) You'll only make yourself miserable, and that's no good, right?
  • robynou wrote:
    jraffa50 wrote:
    Limited Time Krusty's Mansion

    You beat me! I just got it. But the dilemma to spend doughnuts on The Hungry Hun or Krusty's mansion? $$$ is tight. I can just do what I did last April when I got my tax return and spend money to get premium items then.

    Get Krusty's Mansion. It's only available through the weekend. The Hungry Hun is permanent.

    Also, with Krusty in his tux there's a sick/funny animated task.