Forum Discussion

tachaeon's avatar
12 years ago

Disconnect when trying to view friends.

I had the exact same problem & fixed it by deleting some friends. After that I was able to get in. You can delete some friends and then add them back again. I had around 50 total friends & just deleted everyone starting with A. The game came back online & so far no problems.

Before I did this I deleted & re-installed but that didn't work. Even talked to tech support & they just suggested the un/re-install option. Before this happened I lost all my donuts. Did that happen to you at all?
  • I cannot access any of my friends and I cannot get in there to delete any. Any attempt to visit friends' Springfield bumps me off the server. This is so annoying....when is it going to be fixed???
  • The orange donut on the bottom left of the screen is only visible for one nanosecond. There was no way for me to snag/open it.
  • I can't seem to add any friends. When I click on 'find friends' and add my friend's username, it says: 'results loading' for ages and then boots me out.
    Please add me: ledietoscano
  • I have deleted about 8 friends but my problem still exists. I now know that the problem is not with my ipad and not with my router. A friend of mine who can successfully play "Tapped Out" on his ipad signed in to his origin account on my ipad and had no problems. I in turn signed in to my account on his ipad and still had the same problems. I cannot connect with my friends and I am forever being bumped off of the server. How come EA or someone does not openly address this problem with me/us? I am sure it is affecting many game players in addition to me. I am considering deleting this now annoying game.
  • I can't add any friend... :thumbdown: All the time that I try to put the username, or connect to Gmail or Facebook appear the message "Results loading..." And in the background Bart's face appear telling me to try to reconnect GRRR! This is * me off! I can accept everybody. So my username is marciarcezar Add me!! EA solution please, we're tired waiting to fix this bugs!!! :x
  • Download Monopoly Hotels if you haven't already and use it to scroll through your list of friends. People suggest just randomly deleting people but that's not going to fix the problem. Let the friends list load until it shows the last time each friend logged in. Go through it and delete those friends that haven't logged in the longest. I couldn't access my friends either and was getting disconnected all the time so I scrolled through my friends list and found that 4 people haven't logged in in a week. I deleted them and now the game is back to normal with no outages. In the past I would delete random people at the suggestion of others and it never fixed the problem but going by who hasn't logged in in the longest time always fixes any problem in trying to access other towns.