Forum Discussion

LPNintendoITA's avatar
11 years ago

Easter 2014 takedown (thanks to TSTONews)

would of been better for them to keep shary bobbins for the millions that would of missed her.

although that would likely make people who spent a lot of donuts trying to get her angry.
  • bluyoshi88810 wrote:
    So does that mean it's FINALLY over?

    No, It's almost 7am in calfifornia and this horrid event is still going even though my timer is now gone. Ea Make this event GO AWAY!! Its the middle of May for gods sake.
  • None of the premium characters are available for purchase :evil:

    Guess they'll probably offer them next year as premium.
  • Can't wait to see all the threads of people complaining that we got nothing with this update

    stingray1122 wrote:
    And none of the premium characters available for purchase :evil:

    Guess they'll probably offer them next year as premium.

    Or season 25 yard sale
  • drosax1 wrote:
    Can't wait to see all the threads of people complaining that we got nothing with this update

    stingray1122 wrote:
    And none of the premium characters available for purchase :evil:

    Guess they'll probably offer them next year as premium.

    Or season 25 yard sale

    :lol: :thumbup:
    Christmas and Valentine was it also a remove Update. And EA has given us a tie-in on Thursday.
  • baddazoner wrote:
    would of been better for them to keep shary bobbins for the millions that would of missed her.

    Although that would likely make people who spent a lot of donuts trying to get her angry.

    Those of us who spent a lot of donuts knew that EA does this all the time. No reason to complain. We would recover from our grief. ;)