Forum Discussion

Deverz85's avatar
11 years ago

Egg Nog Bar

will definitely keep that in mind.
  • ha! I have created a tread asking if it was good for my friend to tap on their egg nog bar..
    i was afraid to reset the counter and steal the coin... like during halloween ;-)

  • Can you actually stack hadshakes on the egg nog bar, like Channel 6? Has anyone tried that?
  • Deverz85 wrote:
    Not sure if many people know but it's tappable as a neighbour and gives gift cards when tapped.

    So if you see it ready tap it so your neighbour can have a coin earlier!

    I've tapped on two neighbours up to now, wasn't sure it was the right thing to do but couldn't resist it. Assumed it was something similar to SP tile tapping where it disappears for the one who taps, but not for the one who's SF it is.
  • Micaela2409 wrote:
    It's confirmed that you help your neighbours by tapping the coin? Last night I tapped one coin by accident and I only got cash, cards and XP, did I help my neighbour??

    Eh? Cash, xp, and special currency are pretty much what you get for tapping anything that resets a timer, so I'm not sure why that's a factor?
    Since spin tokens are a precious commodity that will only spawn one every 24 hours, yes making sure that timer resets so your neighbor will have a shorter wait for the next token would be a helpful thing.