Forum Discussion

luckyzl230's avatar
11 years ago

Extra reinforcements have arrived

My understanding is that you get free nerds up to your max. Hence you want to take them to 0 (use them up) before you get the free ones.

Alissa on tstoaddicts says the same time on Saturday. 2pm EDT, 1800 GMT.
  • I see this message very often in my town.

    Max nerds u can hold is not necessary 50, depending on your levels of update on your castles. At levels 9, 13, 16, 19, u earn 10 additional max nerds. I believe this apply to all 3 castles.

    My strategy is always to send all existing nerds to random towns, then return to collect my new reinforcement by tapping the 3 castles.
  • lee67628 wrote:
    I see this message very often in my town.

    Max nerds u can hold is not necessary 50, depending on your levels of update on your castles. At levels 9, 13, 16, 19, u earn 10 additional max nerds. I believe this apply to all 3 castles.

    My strategy is always to send all existing nerds to random towns, then return to collect my new reinforcement by tapping the 3 castles.

    Not sure you're talking about the same thing as the OP. If so, my apologies.

    OPmeant the special Saturday army reserves ... A free army of nerds dropped into our towns once a week. Based on your towns maximum allowed at the time ... For instance, if your max level is 55 nerds, and you have zero nerds at the time of this free army, they'll drop you 55 free nerds. However, at the time of the drop, if you happen to already have 22 nerds of your own unused, they'll drop you 33.

    I just reread what I wrote and its pretty confusing ... Sorry .. But was that what you thought they meant?

  • I got that as well, and since I wasn't prepared for it I lost a lot of nerds.

    Is there a spot where you can see what your max nerds is? I cannot find one anywhere.
  • fizzbin71825 wrote:

    Is there a spot where you can see what your max nerds is? I cannot find one anywhere.

    I really want to know this too! I know it was 60 for me yesterday but Ive upgraded since then so it should be higher, but I have no idea how high! Why can't it just tell you! :evil:
  • juliet603 wrote:
    fizzbin71825 wrote:

    Is there a spot where you can see what your max nerds is? I cannot find one anywhere.

    I really want to know this too! I know it was 60 for me yesterday but Ive upgraded since then so it should be higher, but I have no idea how high! Why can't it just tell you! :evil:

    Lack of enough play testing? Seems so obvious, to us, on playing it.

    See the sticky FAQ for how to determine your max. One simple way to see if you are close is to go to the buy menu. If you are close, some nerd buying options will be locked.
  • I got it before I had time to send my nerds off, so I got basically zero. :(
  • Neglecterino wrote:
    juliet603 wrote:
    fizzbin71825 wrote:

    Is there a spot where you can see what your max nerds is? I cannot find one anywhere.

    I really want to know this too! I know it was 60 for me yesterday but Ive upgraded since then so it should be higher, but I have no idea how high! Why can't it just tell you! :evil:

    Lack of enough play testing? Seems so obvious, to us, on playing it.

    See the sticky FAQ for how to determine your max. One simple way to see if you are close is to go to the buy menu. If you are close, some nerd buying options will be locked.

    Well, I guess that is better than nothing. I really do like this update. Its the first time I really feel challenged by one of these events. The writing is great (I love the Updates song) and the play-within-a-play story is quite humorous. There are definetly a few quirks - like the max nerds thing - but all in all a lot of fun being had on my end.