Forum Discussion

leepierce27's avatar
8 years ago

Feature request: Update Store

Just a thought, there are a lot of new players on a daily basis that jump into the game, and they see content that their neighbors have and obviously want it.

Also, there are a lot of day one players that don't get that much new content since most of the updates cater towards the new players.

What if you guys create an update store, where newer players can unlock past updates at their leisure? If they want the Stonecutter event, pay 50 donuts and the event loads for them, Christmas 2015, 25 donuts, so on and so forth. This way you guys can focus on creating new content, EA can make a killing and everyone is happy!
  • Sorry, that doesn't work. Major events are coded specially, which is why they require an app update. Each splashscreen is part of the file then gone in the next one. I believe all the help images work the same. Meaning you couldn't play a past event without bulking up the download by megs and megs more. I don't have room as it is, so I'd be out a game. :(

    Secondly, you'd probably have to raise the price. Gil Deals, just as an example, are often about 200 donuts and you get an item or two. The cost to access a past event AND the exclusive items WITHOUT the traditional bundling markup means EA would need to get compensation ahead of time. 200 would work. At least 150.

    Lastly, if one were to play a month-long event, what issues would that cause if a real event started, since they'd both be time limited?

    While it would be nice to play events I missed or to get items "for free", I don't think it works. Maybe when the game ends (like in China) EA will graciously do this. Then with no second event running we can play our old missed events.

    If you want to sorta relive it try the wiki which lists all the dialogue and tasks and history.
  • You really don't understand EA's business model. Limited items are more valuable as you never know when they will return.
    In short they want your money and will try to milk you for those pixels.
  • Yeah, they can't code the game so the job manager sends people on jobs if they have a task highlighted: I can't see them being able to set set up on demand events.
  • All of the prices would remain the same in each update. 50 donuts would be the price to start each, and yes, newer events would probably start when you're in the middle of a previous one, and in that case the newer update would go right into the store, instead of starting immediately.

    I understand that this feature would be asking a lot but considering how much EA makes on a daily basis with this game it's totally plausible.
  • While I could understand the desire, I think something like this would ruin the game for me entirely. There is a lot to be said for not getting everything I want when I think I want it-especially in a long extended game.
    I've only been playing for a relatively short time compared to so many others on here, and I know there are a lot of things, characters, buildings etc that I don't have, but I'm in it for the long haul and I'm patient(ish)
    I won't even get into the coding/playability issues with self starting events.
    Nah, I personally would not like such an option. Sides, events are most fun because we are playing them together, for better or worse >:)
  • "spritals148;1591176" wrote:
    Sides, events are most fun because we are playing them together, for better or worse >:)

    This also. Most events require or at least expect an exchange with neighbours (visits) which would be impossible if the neighbours don't happen to play the same event at the same time.