Forum Discussion

toddpygensky's avatar
12 years ago


They are both animated the pinwheel will spin around in the box shoots very breif fire works animation into the air
  • You can buy multiples as well. I think they fit perfect at Herman's, he's the type of shady character to have large crates of illegal fireworks.
  • If it makes a difference the animation is less than one second.

    don't want someone who rarely spends donuts to feel cheated
  • You can put them on boardwalks and the statue too.

    I put mine out there because where I'm from, the big fireworks are always over water.
  • ecneralc wrote:
    I think a god to put them is hide the boxes behind Springfield sign so when clicked fireworks shoot out over top the sign


    I don't buy multiple of donut items (unless they are cars lol) but once I'm bored with them being on the boardwalk, I may just have to use this idea.
  • mpwarner wrote:
    chrisp530 wrote:
    They make noise too :)

    Just been in your town setting them off. They are quite cool :)

    Yeah same here :) they are really cool :) The box of fireworks is a % bonus too 2.25% :D
  • I put 2 of mine in my hedge maze. Plus one on the boardwalk (and now I forget where I put the other.) I said in another thread that I think the fireworks are great! So glad we got them. :mrgreen:
  • Iv bought a few of them but I'm not very impressed with the box of fire works tho. The animations are abit short to. But great lil update tho :mrgreen: