Forum Discussion

sealley123's avatar
9 years ago

Gil Offer aka Radioactive Man Film Set

I found the 6 seconds task at the very top of Wolf castle job list, also the first task is a 2 parter, 6 seconds for Wolfcastle and 8 hours for Milhouse, think you will need to complete both parts to continue to unlock the 30 minute task.
  • Thanks, after I went back into the game the second job appeared in Wolfcastles list. Still don't see the one for Millhouse's trailer but maybe it will come back later
  • No problem, think that it's a great animation, just a pity that it's so short although I think it'll take me some time to get bored of it and I'm wondering what the 30 minute task looks like too.
  • Wow still can't find it under Milhouse or any of his skins. And it appears Radioactive man only has the 30 minute acid shoot scene and nothing more. I would have expected a little more unless there is a glitch. But as far as I can tell, I've completed all the few tasks associated with RAMs film set. Thanks for your help though.
  • Wish the film wasn’t quite so huge (20 x 9). Purchased it and almost immediately regretted having done so. I had kind of a nice media district in my Springfield. If I want to keep that intact, the addition of this monstrosity will necessitate an extensive reorganization.
  • Am I getting this correctly- 150 donuts, no character or multiplier? Just unlocks a 30 minute task for Wolfcastle?

    Dialog wasn't clear to me if it was a hint that other items come with it.

    ETA: I have both milhouse superhero skins
  • The 6 second task doesn't come back. Which means you have to wait 30 mins for the short but hilarious action.

    If it was me I'd make a 5 minute semi short timer for the animation sequence it has. For the 30 minute one I'd have it go to the video of the actual scene where you can watch start to finish. The one direct for from the cartoon but better quality.

    Also he should have been sitting on the thing and he should have given that oh ohhhh crap look then put the goggles on.

    EA somtimes is like a kid. They get stuff confused some of the time.

  • sealley123 wrote:
    Thanks, after I went back into the game the second job appeared in Wolfcastles list. Still don't see the one for Millhouse's trailer but maybe it will come back later

    Its the 12 hr "Sulk About Fame", that sends Milhouse to the trailer.
  • pros - great visual task

    cons - huge, and the great visual task lasts 6 seconds. Thats just horrible. Considering you cant skip over characters in the task manager anymore, its impossible to just leave him there.