Forum Discussion

viki108582's avatar
9 years ago

Glitchy neighbor visits?

Don't know myself but from what I've read it appears that the ones that had both buildings and bears hadn't started act 3 yet but the ones with only bears had.
  • I'm currently about an hour away from Marge finishing her 4 hour job (end of the beginning pt 2, 1330 pacifiers collected) and my town still has bears and floating money (when I visit it from a feeder town)

    when I visited someone with 0 pacifiers collected (which I think means they haven't started act 3) they had bears but no floating money
  • mystery2mi's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I am enjoying how visiting neighbors is working now.

    First, I visit as many neighbors as I can, tapping bears until the pacifiers run out. A couple of times, I accidentally tapped buildings instead of bears and received only money.

    After the pacifiers run out, I try to only tap buildings close to the landing area. This way, it helps to eliminate the potential mis-tap for the next visitor to that neighbor. This could be very helpful in those towns with closely packed buildings. Also, it lets the owner of the town know that I visited. :P
  • after i reached the limit for pacifiers from friends, i always tap on buildings so friends can receive FP too.