Forum Discussion

katehutson's avatar
12 years ago

Gluttony and consumerism

katehutson wrote:
This is BS, I have every single building except for the new premium with whatever the heck his damn name is.
Why does my rating keep going down??? What about the people with NO premiums. I have like 6 marts, 3 gulp and blows and 4 Krusty burgers

Sorry, venting. But they're starting to clutter the s*** out of my town.


They changed the numbers in the last level update.....most likely in anticipation for squidport (a lot of new buildings coming out for that).....If I were you I wouldn't bother trying to keep it up at 5 stars until Squidport....
  • I know! Me too. I had just reached 4 stars and *bam* - worst of all I wake up and my righteousness rating is right down and I don't know why since there is no graffiti and I caught Sideshow Bob... Argh :evil:
  • I have also noticed that mine are down. It has frustrated me as well! But I am going to let it slide for a little while banking on this "bigger" update ;)
  • Level Indo Obedi Cons Glut Tree-H Right Vanity Socialism
    Lvl25 280 180 180 216 7445 74 13270 594
    Lvl26 300 180 180 228 8215 79 14420 654
    Lvl27 300 200 180 228 9025 85 15620 720
    Lvl28 320 200 180 240 9875 91 16870 786
    Lvl29 330 200 180 240 10765 97 18170 858
    Lvl30 340 210 192 252 11695 103 19520 930

    Look at the difference between lvl 29-30. :shock: It drastically rises up which probably proves for a fact Squidport was coming out before lvl 30 but i guess they didn't change this since Squidport is COMING SOON :!: :shock: :shock:
  • I've been at 5 stars for months, took a nose dive to 3.5 stars after this update. Normally after an update, I dip down to 4 and then it goes back up on it's own in a couple of days. So, I just don't worry about it.

    It hasn't gone back up but I'm still not going to worry about it. I refuse to litter up my town, I already have 3 Kwik-E-Marts, 2 Gulp-n-Blows, and 3 Krusty Burgers. I made them fit in so it looks like they are the neighborhood stores but I'm not going to get more of them just for a rating.

    So, I'm just not worrying about it. Besides, the star rating is insignificant when it comes to bonus multipliers IMO.
  • Beyond annoying. You get penalized for house farming and then get the experience points.
  • is the limit on decorations etc still there? kind of lame to expect us to keep adding tons of quickie marts,gulp and blows, and crusty burgers..not to mention having to hide stop signs and hail ant signs behind every building just to keep the rating up..