Forum Discussion

tannersarms's avatar
12 years ago

Tips for increasing Gluttony, Consumerism & Obedience?

More Kwik-e-marts is the way to go for consumerism.

Obedience actually has a cheap and easy fix...stop signs. You can even hide them behind buildings for a quick boost without junking your town up.
  • Thanks for the tip on Obedience - unfortunately the Stop sign isn't available until lvl22 for me. Will be sure to use that (or the Hail Ants sign at lvl23) once I can. So many items available to increase vanity or tree hugging, yet only these two for Obedience.
  • tannersarms wrote:
    I'm currently level 18 and have 5*s for every other category, but was looking for suggestions on how to increase the other three.

    Fortunately, I found this thread for suggestions on Gluttony here: After reading that, I've increased my Krusty Burger from 2 to 3 and Gulp N Blow from 1 to 2. Hopefully that will help. we'll see when the GNB has finished.

    As far as Consumerism goes, I have 2 KwikEMarts, a Try N Save, The Android's Dungeon, the Mapple Store, but still only on 3 stars. Is the only way to increase really to have silly numbers of the same store?

    Finally, Obedience. As mentioned, I'm about half way through lvl18, and thus far in the order of things I'm only at the Orange house (about 30 minutes from completion actually). Apu still has 2 days left of his 7 day shift, so in theory I'm going to have a couple days waiting before I can get the Church going. Anything else I can build to get that up? I have the School, Library and the Power Plant, but nothing else.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    Tap the spray can or mop in your friends towns.
  • A_Bad_Exampl3 wrote:

    Tap the spray can or mop in your friends towns.

    I was under the impression Graffiti related to Righteousness.