Forum Discussion

ace19711's avatar
10 years ago

Grem aliens

I tap them so I can see who sent them and try to return the favor.
  • Here is how I see it.

    If I tap then we both get 2. One egg has produced 4 probes shared between us. If either of us drops another egg then we get 2 each again. So 4 for each of us with two eggs. Neither of us has to keep a list.

    If I don't tap then I get 0 and you get 4. But if I then reciprocate and you don't tap, then you get 0 and I get 4. Two eggs have produce 4 probes for each of us, same as above. But now we both are keeping lists.

    So if you want to reciprocate, I say tapping is easier.

  • This was a debate with the gremlins last Halloween, too. My stance now is the same as it was then: always tap them.

    There's a limit to how many gremaliens a town can hold. So say for example you dropped ten gremaliens in my town. If I'm asleep or otherwise busy and don't tap them, that's several hours where no one else can put gremaliens in my town and get rewards from them. BUT, if I do tap them, you get twenty probes, I get twenty probes, the next friend to visit and drop ten gremlins gets twenty probes, and this can all happen within one hour instead of, like, eight. Plus, you can drop gremaliens whenever you want, so you could come back to my town in a couple hours (or ten minutes, if I'm really in the gremalien-killing zone) and drop more gremaliens for more probes. You get rewards, I get rewards, my other neighbors can get rewards, everyone is happy.
    Plus, this year, gremaliens are the only way we can help our neighbors get probes/guns/DNA. So I hope my neighbors are squishing them when I manage to drop a couple in their towns.
  • neuroheart wrote:
    This was a debate with the gremlins last Halloween, too. My stance now is the same as it was then: always tap them.

    There's a limit to how many gremaliens a town can hold. So say for example you dropped ten gremaliens in my town. If I'm asleep or otherwise busy and don't tap them, that's several hours where no one else can put gremaliens in my town and get rewards from them. BUT, if I do tap them, you get twenty probes, I get twenty probes, the next friend to visit and drop ten gremlins gets twenty probes, and this can all happen within one hour instead of, like, eight. Plus, you can drop gremaliens whenever you want, so you could come back to my town in a couple hours (or ten minutes, if I'm really in the gremalien-killing zone) and drop more gremaliens for more probes. You get rewards, I get rewards, my other neighbors can get rewards, everyone is happy.
    Plus, this year, gremaliens are the only way we can help our neighbors get probes/guns/DNA. So I hope my neighbors are squishing them when I manage to drop a couple in their towns.

    +1 :!:
  • One of them glitched out in my town today, it sat by the cemetery, constantly stuck at the drool part of its animation.
    It was a pretty sinister little thing and (until it disappeared later) looked great.
  • Neglecterino wrote:
    neuroheart wrote:
    This was a debate with the gremlins last Halloween, too. My stance now is the same as it was then: always tap them.

    There's a limit to how many gremaliens a town can hold. So say for example you dropped ten gremaliens in my town. If I'm asleep or otherwise busy and don't tap them, that's several hours where no one else can put gremaliens in my town and get rewards from them. BUT, if I do tap them, you get twenty probes, I get twenty probes, the next friend to visit and drop ten gremlins gets twenty probes, and this can all happen within one hour instead of, like, eight. Plus, you can drop gremaliens whenever you want, so you could come back to my town in a couple hours (or ten minutes, if I'm really in the gremalien-killing zone) and drop more gremaliens for more probes. You get rewards, I get rewards, my other neighbors can get rewards, everyone is happy.
    Plus, this year, gremaliens are the only way we can help our neighbors get probes/guns/DNA. So I hope my neighbors are squishing them when I manage to drop a couple in their towns.

    +1 :!:

    Alright! Math guy agrees, so I must be on to something :D