Forum Discussion

aofigo009's avatar
9 years ago

Hallowe'en 2015 Q & A and Strategy Thread

How to Upgrade the Campfire

If your character telling stories does NOT match the upgrade level, the nightmares won't count to upgrade

To complete the upgrade to get to the next level, send the character on the same row i.e. if on level 2, you need to send Lisa to get to level 3.

*NOTE: The pattern of zombies, snakes, bunnies, skeletons keeps repeating

Who spawns what?
Martin - zombies
Lisa - snakes
Milhouse - bunnies
Bart - skeletons

The character you send to tell stories will change BOTH the nightmares that spawn from kids on task AND in your town

Does Tapping Nightmares in a Neighbour's Town Count?
Tapping zombies/snakes/bunnies in a friend's town will count - ONLY if you still have friend actions left (30 towns max or 90 actions) AND they match what you need to upgrade. After that you just get cash/xp and the nightmares won't add to your upgrade total.

What Happens if a Neighbour is Producing a Different Nightmare?
If you still have friend actions left - SKIP THIS TOWN for now. You will waste your friend action as it won't count to your upgrade total.

Tip to get head start in the morning:
When going to bed try to stagger who tells stories so your kids will spawn one currency and your town will spawn another. For example, if you need 50 more bunnies to get to the next upgrade level, send Milhouse to tell stories BEFORE you send all your kids on task. Once all kids are sent, you cannot change what they spawn. THEN store Milhouse to cancel his task, and send Bart to spawn skeletons in town.

Once you have this setup, you can keep the stagger going without having to cancel tasks. Try to keep a bit of a delay by sending the kids first, then waiting a few minutes to send your storyteller.
NOTE: Don't forget Lisa cannot be stored, and can only be rushed with sprinklies
NOTE 2: This will only work if your kids can spawn enough to get you to the next level
Milhouse - store Van Houten House
Bart - store Treehouse
Martin - store Library

Thank you to Nissa for all of this information, except where stated otherwise!