Forum Discussion

jcunning_1974's avatar
11 years ago

Hibbert/Hospital Quest Stuck

Make sure your not leaving a task still in the task bar too long. That might interfere with it. Also, try leaving everyone free (no jobs for anyone.) Sometimes that will work to finally trigger it.
  • I'm stuck with this quest too. I can't build it because Brockman has no 'going for a check up' in this tasks. I hope this task will appear sometime, otherwise my Springfield will have to do without a Hospital, among other things :(
  • I know of other people who have been stuck because they had not built the orange house when that quest came up. If you have built the orange house, try storing it or selling it and rebuilding.
  • Tried the orange house trick, but didn't work for me. Will try the Chemistri one when I get there and will let you know. Thanks for the info.
  • The next task finally started. Not sure what exactly happened to set it off. I finished some tasks in other quests and just let all the characters go free instead of assigning new tasks and Bart got the question mark over his head. I did the checkup and got the next one to have Hibbert do his 12 hour task. I'll see if the rest of the quest line goes well or if I get stuck on the orange house as others have.

    Thank you for your responses.
  • This is a great thread! I'm stuck too. I'll try the tricks mentioned. Thanks! :mrgreen:
  • Maybe it's just coincidence but the tasks I finished both finished off quest lines, including Nelson's. So possibly finishing those quest lines made the next task in the Hospital quest start. I'm not sure. I'm wondering if there's some limit on the number of quest lines you can have at once.