"JULES1111;c-15846031" wrote:
Enter the cheat moveObjects on go to buy mode and delete the sims. They won't really be deleted, they will reset at their home mailbox.
Enter the cheat code resetSim Firstname Lastname
Make sure to enter them correctly, it is case and space sensitive.
This cheat code you mentioned
resetSim firstName Lastname
didn't exist in The Sims 2 and is first seen in The Sims 3.
Entering this code only brings up the error message. Not everybody use the mods.
To reset stuck sims, there are two ways:
1) Enter the cheat code
moveobjects on and sell the stuck sim. Save and exit the lot, then return and you'll see that sim again. Note. If you have your sim get stuck in the owned community lot, do not save and use that method.
2) Enter the cheat code
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and shift-click on your sim. Choose Force Error option and choose either delete or reset. If reset doesn't work, then choose delete. After choosing the delete option, save and exit the lot. Come back and that sim should be standing next to the mailbox. Do not try it on the owned community lot!
If your sim gets stuck on owned community lot, do not save. Exit without saving. Progress may be lost, but errors that happen are worse than that. You want to play with sim, not make the whole family unplayable.