Forum Discussion

stevieort's avatar
New Spectator
11 years ago

Homer and Marge's Romantic Stroll

It is very cute! I also enjoyed Milhouse chasing after Lisa :)

6 Replies

  • I TOTALLY agree! The animation would be a shame to waste. Marge has pathetic outdoor tasks. Make it their 12 hour, instead of hiding them in church. Or their eight hour, and let Marge walk Maggie to replace another lame indoor task.
  • It would be cool but I doubt it will happen. There have been several event tasks that would have been great additions to the game but they are gone now. Homer's promote bar comes to mind. Pic (not mine) below for those who haven't seen it
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    It would be cool but I doubt it will happen. There have been several event tasks that would have been great additions to the game but they are gone now. Homer's promote bar comes to mind. Pic (not mine) below for those who haven't seen it

    You're right. I do remember wondering why that task wasn't made permanent after last year's *. Patrick's Day event, but maybe they'll bring in back this year. Still, that 'Romantic Stroll' task animation is fantastic. I will be seriously bummed if it's gone after the event.
  • I was thinking that myself. Surprised they didn't implement it when the Squidport was released. Leave it in, EA!
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    There have been several event tasks that would have been great additions to the game but they are gone now.

    Moe + shotgun (Thanksgiving).