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9 years ago

Homer's Chiliad: Premium Walkthrough

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I Am the One Who Crocks Pt. 1

Ned Starts

Ned: Chili seems to bring out the worst in people. That's why Jesus only turned water into grape juice, according to my Hays Morality Code Bible.
Devil Flanders: When it comes to heat, these chili-chumps don't know a jalapeno from a hallelujah!
Devil Flanders: We should show them the error of their ways. Make a chili so spicy that they'll get baptized just for the water.
Ned: Oh, I don't think so. Spicy foods are a highway to sins like pride, envy, and sin listing. Oh no!

Task: Make Devil Flanders Add to Homer's Chili
Time: 3h
Location: Simpson House

I Am the One Who Crocks Pt. 2

Ned starts

Ned: I'm so tired. It feels like I didn't sleep a wink last night. Not that I would ever wink – that's a Jezebel's blink.
Ned: Where did all these cooking supplies come from? Was I sleepwalking? Did I even make sure to sleep-stretch and sleep-hydrate?
Devil Flanders: Let's just say you were asleep at the wheel, so I took over. And I didn't use my turn signals!
Ned: Now, Neddy, don't get yourself in a tiz-tiddilly-izzy over nothing. The Devil doesn't live in your head.
Ned: He lives in San Francisco.

Task: Make Devil Flanders Conjure Up Hellfire Peppers
Time: 3h
Location: Flanders House

I Am the One Who Crocks Pt. 3

Ned starts

Ned: Another restless night and more spicy evidence! And now I'm quoting Jimmy Buffett songs!
Ned: I'm worried the Devil might be corrupting my evening activities. Last night, I watched three hours of the Ken Burns jazz documentary – that's almost a third of it!
Ned: I'd better push up the weekly exorcism!

Task: Make Ned Go For an Exorcism
Time: 3h
Location: First Church of Springfield

I Am the One Who Crocks Pt. 4

Rev. Lovejoy starts

Rev. Lovejoy: Ned, I can assure you these “visions” you've been having aren't biblical in nature. And I should know, I've read almost all of that book.
Rev. Lovejoy: Isn't your neighbor Homer experimenting with hallucination-inducing Insanity Peppers?
Ned: You mean Homer might have given me a hallucinogenic substance? I need to make a citizen's arrest!
Rev. Lovejoy: Now, Ned, Homer might be an idiot but the Bible says “love thy neighbor as your" something. I haven't gotten to the end of that one yet – don't spoil it for me.
Ned: I'm not citizen's arresting Homer -- I'm arresting me!

Task: Make Ned Spend the Day in Jail
Time: 8h
Location: Springfield Penitentiary

Dream Walk on the Wild Side Pt. 1

Apu starts

Apu: Hello, coyote god. Do you perhaps have the power to unspoil milk?
Space Coyote: Unfortunately I'm just a nature spirit, not a god. My only gift is enlightenment. Oh, and the ability to add raisins to things.
Apu: Many apologies. It was an honest mistake. In my country, there are many gods, representing all aspects of life.
Space Coyote: Well, when you think of it that way, I suppose I could be considered the patron of personalized chili hallucinations.
Space Coyote: And I am really good at telling if dresses are blue or gold. Need me to do that?
Apu: Err… No.

Task: Make Space Coyote Ponder the Nature of Self
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House

Dream Walk on the Wild Side Pt. 2

Space Coyote starts

Space Coyote: I wish I had some higher calling, something more fulfilling than just guiding mankind to enlightenment.
Space Coyote: Plus I've got a lot of time on my paws between chili fugues.
Space Coyote: Perhaps I should explore the natural world, follow in the footsteps of the proud and regal creatures whose form I take.

Task: Make Space Coyote Sniff Some Butts
Time: 1h
Location: Springfield Downs
Task: Make Space Coyote Bite Homer's Leg
Time: 1h
Requires: Homer

System Message: You've unlocked the "Bite Homer's Leg" animated job for the Space Coyote!

Dream Walk on the Wild Side Pt. 3

Space Coyote starts

Space Coyote: Experiencing the world as an animal has not provided the perspective I had hoped for.
Space Coyote: I really wish someone would participate in a dangerous, unsupervised chili contest already.
Space Coyote: Wait a minute! Who says I can't expand my spirit animal-ness and appear in hallucinations of all kinds?
Barney: I'm due to have a blackout dream soon. There'll be plenty of vomit to lap up.
Otto: Oh man, I'd love to hallucinate a coyote! Normally I just get some version of whatever animal cracker I've eaten last.
Grampa: What about straight up dementia?! Quick make me draw a clock. Just kidding, talking clock.
Space Coyote: Sigh, now I understand why my cousin chose to be a spirit of the wind. But I still think his paintings are terrible.

Task: Make Space Coyote Guide Vision Questers
Time: 4h

System Message: You've unlocked the "Guide Vision Questers" animated job for the Space Coyote!
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