Forum Discussion

Peppermallow's avatar
11 years ago

House Farmers Unite!

Blue houses are definitely the best for farming. Had 500, but scaled back to 300.
  • I like the purple houses best for house farming. But I'm just level 24, so don't have much of them... Yet ;)
  • you will find that the only house farmers left are those in need of cash, ie; newer players. for the most part.
  • irishladsoca wrote:
    you will find that the only house farmers left are those in need of cash, ie; newer players. for the most part.

    There are still house farmers out there that are higher levels, I have several neighbors who are house farmers and are longtime tappers.
  • I'm farming with an aim to earn sufficient donut to buy all the non time limited items, could be at it a while longer...