Forum Discussion

maggiesmob's avatar
9 years ago

How did you manage Act I?

maggiesmob wrote:
, got Patches and poor Sylvia,
shes so poor she just changed her name :lol: i did fine, got everything there was, no feeder town
  • I was surprised I made it, actually, it was pretty close. I check a lot, but no feeder town and I think I only rushed something once, to get another task started before bed. I also wasn't getting as many hats from neighbors as we were supposedly able to get, only got them for the first 15-20 towns. But finished with about 8 hours to spare, no bonuts. Skipped the clam sign and barely got the Ski Chalet, which is all I really wanted. I was one bow short until a few hours before the end :shock:
  • I managed to get the orphans at 7:39 (act 2 started at 8am..) was unbevilabely close. was on like 20000 with 2 days left lol.

    didn't get hte sky lodge, which really nanyoed my as i thought it'd be there into act 2, and i was REALLY CLOSE, like 20 blue things away.
  • I managed to get everything with Santa hats, was very close to the first 4k bonus donut thing too and I started a few days late so there was plenty of leeway for Act 1. No feeder town not that one really helps at all for this event (I have plenty of ribbon/bow things, it's baubles I'm lacking)

    I would have had enough resources to craft everything but was saving them to see what Act 2 and 3 had, luckily I was only saving crafting the smaller things so I only missed out on Santas Little helper which I already have anyway from a previous xmas event but would have liked another. Crafted marge for the daily challenge or I'd have missed out on her too.

  • Edit: aaargh, nevermind wrong thread.

    While I'm already at it, just to say I finished Act I without problems, with one round of bonuts. (but I play frequently). had enough crafting materials to buy one of everything.
  • I got the Ski Chalet, so I'm happy about my Crafting level. (I have 2 games, so that helps)

    I didn't get the Gingerbread house to level 5, as I ran out of time. I figured I would be able to complete the last task, but for money, not event currency. Also, I can't change the skin, as it were and weirdly, I can't store it. (And I would like to store it, as I am kind of limited in my available space right now!) So I'm kind of unhappy about that. Not that it's ruined my game or anything. (Did anyone else not fully upgrade this?)

    I also didn't make it to the Orphan kids, but I ain't mad about that. Got them in my A game, but I honestly think I might end up storing them after I finish their Storyline.

    This game is my second game, so I tend to not check in as much as my A game. I got the orphans with about 2.5 days to spare in my A game, so I know there was enough time to complete it. Likely going to try harder for CBG skin in this act.
  • I'v done all the main stuff, just didnt create ice sculptures and a sign on a wheel. At the end i was 2000 into bonus round but didnt force it. Act 2 started somewhat slowly.
  • I got everything I wanted. I got all the prizes and crafted everything but the clam sign but I could have crafted it, I just didn't care for it.
  • What is the Gingerbread mansion? I must have simply missed that one. I have the Gingerbread house, with the witch. Was this item upgradeable during Act 1? Now that we are in Act 2, did I completely miss out on it?

    Pics would be nice if possible.