Forum Discussion

  • Not to be contrarian, but I can see one very good reason why new accounts may have a "waiting period"...

    Once upon a time there was a certain fellow here who was VERY ANGRY about his game (you may remember our dear friend Sneal). His method of revenge on EA was to post links to very unsavory content on the web. I imagine the damage would have been exponential if he was actually able to post pictures instead of just links.

    So, there you have it. One bad guy ruins it for the rest of us...
  • Its fairly common for forums to do this. Considering this one is barely moderated, it is a better way to protect the community. It also persuades members to be more active instead of posting once and then leaving.
  • I do remember the Sneal fiasco. What a prize that guy was.

    I'd be fine if there was a minimum number of posts to attain before being visited by the upgrade fairy; 100 would make sense, since there needs to be a certain dedication to a board to attain that. At least that was it would be uniformly fair and not the arbitrary nature it currently is.
  • And the irony was that my original avatar was to be a homage to how great EA is.

    Oh wait, no it wasn't. But it certainly won't be now that I can't even access my game.