Forum Discussion

linkwick's avatar
9 years ago

How many Social Battles did you get in the end?

I won all of the social prizes

20 Replies

  • Was on track with the old targets but once I all the prizes I didn't do the neighbour fights every day and have ended up with 105 and the possibility of adding 3 more today if I wish.
  • Pretty much what many others have already said. I was on pace to make the original goal, but slackened off once EA adjusted the goal. I’ll end up being a bit over 100.

    I know I’ve said this elsewhere but let me repeat here my opinion that the social battles were the weakest component of this event. They were an insignificant variation of the battles that occurred in one’s own Springfield (battles that themselves become a bit a chore); they were buggy, leading to crashes that excluded a not insignificant number of players from participating in that aspect of the game; except for the fact that they required one to go to a neighbor’s Springfield, they weren’t really “social” at all; and, finally, they were poorly planned — the original goals were unrealistic, leading to a lot of (needless) panic on the part of some users.
  • The lack of a visible timer was a mistake, IMO. Not knowing when the timer would restart was irritating. It would have proved how glitchy it was too.

    I got all the prizes but one player in my house needed to get 3 today and 3 tomorrow for the last prize. I logged in for them well before 8 today to be told come back tomorrow. The timer didn't restart til mid morning even tho the last fights were before 8 yesterday. Now it is supposed to end at 8 am tomorrow so they can't get their last 3 fights before 8. Yes, I know they shouldn't have waited til the last minute but it's still annoying.

    They should give everyone another few hours to make up for the evening when we couldn't get into the game.
  • I got there last week but I think it would've been better if there really was some form of neighbour interaction to the social battles. Your neighbours didn't benefit from you visiting them, you may as well have been visiting Other Springfield for all the difference it made. When these types of 'battles' were originally introduced for TapBall it was better in that you'd get something from a neighbour playing against your characters.

    It also didn't help that the social battles weren't on the normal 24 hour clock so the reset gradually drifted further and further away from the time you did your regular neighbour visits.
  • 102.

    And would like to state again, this event points out a glaring need to have neighbor timers to reset at a default time everyday instead of the drifting 24 hour clock.

    Midnight Pacific USA works great for me to reset the timers :) but im sure I will adjust just fine to whatever the standard time chosen would be
  • I would have made the old target by the skin of my teeth. I looked at my friends list though and only 30 of them look like they're going to get the final prize.
  • Did my last ones this morning and finished with 108. With the odd reset times I missed some days. I agre with the others that a timer would have been nice, like they do with everything else. Hopefully they'll include it in future events.
  • Didn't lose much time throughout, considering the lack of timer and it being vaguely more than 24 hours to roll over to a new day. Finished 123 total social battles just before the event's scheduled end time
  • I waited until 8pm tonight to finish my final battle and get the final prize and THEN I updated the app. Just barely got it!