Forum Discussion

ASIMO-1's avatar
10 years ago

I have No Balls

Have you been fading out your town to try and find the balls?

I fade out everything but the characters so i can find them a little easier, still not that easy but a lot better than not fading things out
  • Lovelybella87 wrote:
    Anybody else think EA planned for posts like this... 'Bwhahaha we'll make those balls so small they won't find them, and then start complaining on the forum' :twisted: :lol:

    Yeah.. They are testing the Mods IMO.. This is nuts. :mrgreen:

    Yeah.. I went there. :wink:
  • wildminion wrote:
    ASIMO-1 wrote:
    The wife dropped 2 balls in my town this morning :D . But I have searched it from end to end and without a doubt there's no ball's :(. No wonder the community prize counter is so low.

    How do you ever expect to find your balls if you've left your wife in charge of them?
    :oops: lol
  • NeoSEC28 wrote:
    Have you been fading out your town to try and find the balls?

    I fade out everything but the characters so i can find them a little easier, still not that easy but a lot better than not fading things out

    This works very well.....Thanks NEO!
  • I've been tapping balls, but not accumulating balls. I had one, picked up three, still had one. Dropped the one on another Springfield, went home and tapped two balls on my Springfield. They disappeared and now I have, ta-dah, none. Sigh.
  • I hit reply planning to make a quirky balls joke and now I've come up empty, pretty much like my Springfield, I'm missing balls all around. :(

  • I swear I have had my balls disappear within seconds of spotting them...all I did was look away to another area and poof- they were gone.

    They weren't tiny balls either, one was a beach ball so it's hard not to see the balls...