Forum Discussion

jazzthierry's avatar
12 years ago

Interresting subject: quantum mechanics

Damn you reality....
  • srmk64210 wrote:
    Have you ever read about quantum suicide? Or quantum immortality?

  • P003htb wrote:
    I have little to no knowladge on the subject, what I do know doesn't really fascinate me.

    I see that's not the case with others

    Why not?
  • I'm in. I read about quantum physics/mechanics on occasion. Very interesting stuff.
  • I wanted to respond earlier, but had to get over the fact that my fingers are never really touching my keyboard and my butt isnt actually touching the chair I am "sitting" in.

  • I actually met Mr Teller at the Livermore project. we talked about sushi and string theory. I make great sushi. But string theory still hurts my head.